Challenge Info...

Friday, January 25, 2019

Winners!!! Raise the Hoof Christmas Event

Hello Folks!  I am finally here with the winner announcement from our Raise the Hoof Christmas Celebration that ran from Dec. 1 to Dec. 12 with the event open until Jan. 5th for getting your responses in. I'm sorry it is so late in coming but with back to back big events here at Scribbles Designs, it has taken me this long to find the time to tabulate all the results and get them posted!

Thanks to the small group of people who joined in our Raise the Hoof event. As a refresher, from December 1st to December 12th, we released a new image each day and participants were given simple tasks to do, all related to Santa's reindeer. If someone completed the task of the day, their name was thrown into a draw to win a special prize. Keep reading to find out who those lucky peeps are...

 Dec 1: Dasher
#736 Dasher
  You can find #736 Dasher in the store HERE.

Participants were asked to leave a comment letting us know the names of the four reindeer located at the front of Santa's sleigh. The answer of course is: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen. To see the original post for Day One, click HERE. Seven people participated in Day One and the winner is:


scrapsandink, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 1 Winner: #736 Dasher".

 Dec 2: Dancer
#737 Dancer
 You can find #737 Dancer in the store HERE.

Participants were asked to leave a comment letting us know what the special job is that Santa's reindeer do on Christmas Eve. The answer is: To pull Santa's sleigh and deliver toys to all the good girls and boys around the world. To see the original post for Day Two, click HERE. Six people participated in Day Two and the winner is:

***Willa Jean Coates***

Willa Jean, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 2 Winner: #737 Dancer".

 Dec 3: Prancer
#738 Prancer
  You can find #738 Prancer in the store HERE.

Participants were asked to leave a comment letting us know how many reindeer Santa uses to pull the sleigh on Christmas Eve. In this case, we'd have accepted either eight--the general number of reindeer on the team--or nine with the inclusion of Rudolph during bad weather. To see the original post for Day Three, click HERE. Six people participated in Day Three and the winner is:


Tracy, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 3 Winner: #738 Prancer".

Dec 4: Vixen
 You can find #739 Vixen in the store HERE.

Participants were asked to leave a comment letting us know what reindeer eat. Reindeer happen to eat a variety of vegetation including: leafy greens, mushrooms, lichens, mosses, herbs, ferns, grasses, and the shoots and leaves of shrubs and trees. While it isn't something that is available to them in their natural habitat, they also love carrots and apples as a sweet treat. To see the original post for Day Four, click HERE. Five people participated in Day Four and the winner is:


Edwina, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 4 Winner: #739 Vixen".

 Dec 5: Comet
 You can find #740 Comet in the store HERE.

Participants were asked to leave a comment letting us know the names of the four reindeer located at the back of Santa's sleigh. The answer of course is: Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. To see the original post for Day Five, click HERE. Six people participated in Day Five and the winner is:

***Denise Bryant***

Denise, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 5 Winner: #740 Comet".

Dec 6: Cupid
 You can find #741 Cupid in the store HERE.

Participants were sent on a treasure hunt and asked to leave a comment letting us know where they found the post header symbol in the store. The symbol was hidden in the store with the #C 7 Reindeer Subway Art image. To see the original post for Day Six, click HERE. Six people participated in Day Six and the winner is:


AJ, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 6 Winner: #741 Cupid".

Dec 7: Donner
 You can find #742 Donner in the store HERE.

Participants were asked to leave a comment letting us know the name of the most famous reindeer of all. The answer of course is Rudolph! To see the original post for Day Seven, click HERE. Six people participated in Day Seven and the winner is:

***Susan Renshaw***

Susan, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 7 Winner: #742 Donner".

Dec 8: Blitzen
 You can find #743 Blitzen in the store HERE.

Participants were asked to leave a comment letting us know what reindeer do in their spare time. The answer to this one is either that they play in reindeer games or the answer could have been a bit more creative. Tracy M. provided my favourite answer with the following: "I'm thinking that Santa's reindeer have plenty of spare time. When they're not up at the freezing North Pole working with Santa, they are relaxing on a warm tropical island, colouring the pictures in their Christmas colouring books and eating magic reindeer food". To see the original post for Day Eight, click HERE. Six people participated in Day Eight and the winner just happens to be the person who provided the most creative answer:


Tracy, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 8 Winner: #743 Blitzen".

Dec 9: Rudolph
 You can find #735 Rudolph in the store HERE.

Participants were asked to leave a comment letting us know what it was that all the other reindeer wouldn't let Rudolph join in (as based in the Christmas carol, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer) . The answer to this one is that the other reindeer wouldn't let Rudolph play in any of the reindeer games. To see the original post for Day Nine, click HERE. Six people participated in Day Nine and the winner is:

***Denise Bryant***

Denise, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 9 Winner: #735 Rudolph".

Dec 10: Olive
 You can find #744 Olive in the store HERE.

Participants were asked to leave a comment letting us know who Olive is and what year she first make her appearance into the world. The answer is that Olive first appeared in "Olive, The Other Reindeer", a children's book written by Vivian Walsh in 1997. Olive then starred in her own animated movie by the same name, in 1999. Either date was accepted. To see the original post for Day Ten, click HERE. Five people participated in Day Ten and the winner is:


Donna, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 10 Winner: #744 Olive".

Dec 11: Santa Reindeer
 You can find #8124 Santa Reindeer in the store HERE.

Participants were asked to leave a comment letting us know the name of one Christmas carol that features reindeer in general or any specific reindeer. The list I came up with includes the following:
  • Run, Rudolph, Run
  • Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer 
  • The Reindeer Dance
  • Reindeer Shuffle
  • Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
  • Rockabilly Rudolph
  • Grandpa Ran Over the Reindeer (that Grandma got run over by)
  • The Reindeer Boogie
  • Don't Forget to Feed the Reindeer
To see the original post for Day Eleven, click HERE. Seven people participated in Day Eleven and the winner is:

***Jennifer Den Dekker***

Jennifer, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 11 Winner: #8124 Santa Reindeer".

Dec 12: Santa
You can find #8121 Santa in the store HERE.

Participants were asked to leave a comment letting us know which of all the images was their favourite one released during the 12 Days of the event. The most popular were Santa and the full Reindeer Gang (as seen below). To see the original post for Day Twelve, click HERE. Five people participated in Day Twelve and the winner is:


Ike, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 12 Winner: #8121 Santa".

Dec 12: Reindeer Gang
 You can find #745 Reindeer Gang in the store HERE.

We also decided to put the names of everyone who participated throughout the entire event into a draw to win a copy of the Reindeer Gang--NOT the set, just the composite image shown above with the full gang featured. The more days you participated, the more chances you had to win this image. Additionally, anyone who added the blog badge to their sidebar and then returned to leave a comment letting us know, earned ONE extra 'ticket' for the draw for the Reindeer Gang composite image.

...and the winner is:


Edwina, please send an email to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca (don't forget to remove the 'at' and 'dot' and replace them with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Day 12 Winner: #745 Reindeer Gang ".

Once again, thanks to those individuals who took the time to join us during this special holiday celebration. If anyone is interested in purchasing any of the images or the set featured above, simply click on the respective link under the watermark, to find it in the store.

Pssst--Before you go…

Did you know we're celebrating our sixth birthday right now? If you haven't already, be sure to check out our current challenge with the theme, Birthday Time Again. We've got some extra special prizes this challenge so make sure you take a look. Click HERE to find out all the details!

Plus, if you act quickly you still have the chance to grab a time limited freebie. But you need to act fast since it will only be available until Sunday afternoon at approx 4:00 p.m. PST. You can find it by scrolling down one post or clicking HERE.

More Celebrating to Come…

Be sure to pop back by the blog again over these next few weeks as there are still a few special surprises that you will not want to miss!!!

That is it for now. Happy crafting until we meet again!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Limited Time Freebie: GO FORTH & EAT CAKE

Howdy folks!  Our birthday celebration is already a week underway so it is a good time to offer up a time limited freebie. We're entering the vault for today's offering to grab a classic sentiment from the store because what is a birthday without cake?!

Please note that since this image comes directly out of the store, it will ONLY BE AVAILABLE for 72 Hours as a freebie. So, be sure to grab it NOW while you can before it is slipped back into the vault on Sunday afternoon at approx 4:00 p.m. PST.

#013 Eat Cake Quote (text only version)

This freebie has now expired. You can find it, along with the ticket version,
for sale in the store by clicking HERE

More Celebrating to Come…

Be sure to pop back by the blog again over these next few weeks as there are still a few special surprises that you will not want to miss!!! Plus, if you haven't already, be sure to check out our current challenge with the theme, Birthday Time Again. We've got some extra special prizes this challenge so make sure you take a look. Click HERE to find out all the details!

That is it for now. Happy crafting until we meet again!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Monthly Scribblers Showcase for January


Hey folks. It is that time of month where we showcase the projects that our inspiration team has created, along with any extra creations our full time team members may have had the chance to create during the past four weeks.

This time around, it is just the members of our inspiration team here with projects to share with us. Take a look at what these ladies have been up to...
Julie has three cards to share with us this month!

using items from the set #324 Carl Party

You can find this card (previously posted) on Julie's blog by clicking HERE.


using  #071 Wintertime Subway Art

You can find this card (previously posted) on Julie's blog by clicking HERE.
Be sure to check out the Aloha Friday Challenge Blog where Julie is also a team member. The theme is Winter Blues and there is still a little over two days to link up your designs. You could win $10 worth of images from Scribbles Designs as we are a sponsor this week.

using #123 Carrie Birthday Diva

Have you been inspired to create?!
Don't forget to share your own Scribbles Designs creations with us.

If you enjoyed any of these projects, our designers would love a visit.
You can find each of their personal blogs by clicking on their respective header.

If you are interested in purchasing any of the images featured in today's post,
click on the names to find them in the store.

Well, that is it for this Extra Inspiration post.

Pssst--Before you go…

Did you know we're celebrating our sixth birthday right now? If you haven't already, be sure to check out our current challenge with the theme, Birthday Time Again. We've got some extra special prizes this challenge so make sure you take a look. Click HERE to find out all the details!

Plus, if you've read this far then you'll get a bit of advance notice.
Watch the challenge blog over the next three days as we're going to be taking an image out of the vault for just 72 hours!

Happy crafting until we meet again!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

It's Birthday Time Again!

Scribbles Designs is celebrating its 6th birthday this month! 
 On January 15, 2013, we had our very first challenge.
Six years later we're still going strong.
In fact, we've grown yet again!

We now have two separate teams--a full time team and a part time team.
Our full time team has a total of eight members!
While I (Lisa) have been beside Sandy's side since the beginning, 
Nick came on just four months later in May of 2013,
and Suze started the following year in Jan. 2014. 
Pat joined us in April of 2016 after being a guest for a three month term.
In March 2018 we started a part time team of one with Julie
 Diane Louise, a full time member for almost three years (March '16-Jan. '18),
has stepped down from the full time team but will remain as a part time member. 

Most recently we have acquired two new people--
Petra is joining us full time and Janice is coming on part time.
We introduced them Sunday afternoon and they both officially start today!

We continue to have our Monthly Challenges
featuring projects from our full time members, 
as well as our Monthly Inspiration Posts
featuring projects from our part time members
and any extra projects made by our full time DT!

 We remain dedicated to supporting a number of
other Challenge Blogs through sponsorship!
PLUS this year we have plans to add a Scribbles Designs Gallery
AND a Standout Scribblers Wall of Fame--more details to come on 
these two fun new additions to our blog!!!

The store now has close to 1000 Scribbles Designs images,
with over 150 of them being FREEBIES!
The store stays committed to offering Scribble Doodle Designs
(a collaborative effort between Sandy S. & Lisa D.)
and is still home to selling designs by Décosse's Dynamite Doodles as well!

We've accomplished a lot in the last
and with your continued support, we hope to accomplish much more!!!

Right now we're kicking off our celebration with our first
Challenge of the New Year!

Our Birthday Event

We are going to start today off with our regularly scheduled challenge. Here is what you need to know to enter Challenge #73 - It's Birthday Time Again:
  • Make a birthday themed project. It can be a card, a decoration, an invitation, etc. As long as it is suitable for a birthday, it will qualify for our regular prizes.
Whether you are new or one of our regulars, we are so thankful that you are here with us on our little spot in blogland today and are hopeful that you'll be able to join us for this special challenge. Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Rules located in the right sidebar.

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image click HERE.

Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating…

 #F 158 It's Your Day


Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

This month's prizes...

We have made some changes to our prizes for 2019. Starting this challenge, prizes will now include the following:
  • $10 worth of digi images from the store for a random winner who uses any kind of image--that person will be called our Top Scribbler
  • $3 worth of digi images from the store for each of the Top Three (chosen by Design Team).
  • $5.00 worth of digi images from the store for a person chosen as our Standout Scribbler. In order to qualify for this prize, you will need to use a Scribblers Designs image on your project. Individuals chosen as a Standout Scribbler will have their project added to a new special page on the blog called, "STANDOUT SCRIBBLERS WALL OF FAME!". If no entries use an SD image during a challenge, there will be no Standout Scribbler chosen for that particular challenge. At the end of our 12th challenge of the year (finishing up Jan. 14th, 2020), any project featured on our Wall of Fame will have the opportunity to be chosen as the 2019 Standout Scribbler and will receive $10.00 worth of images from the store (digital papers not included). Each challenge, on a rotating basis one member of the Design Team will choose their favourite project featuring an Scribbles Designs image, in order to determine who the Standout Scribbler for that challenge will be.

Now, since we are celebrating our birthday this month, we will also have some additional prizes for this particular challenge including the following:
  • A special prize package featuring some of Scribbles Designs most iconic birthday images will be given away to one lucky winner. The images in the pack will include the following:
    •  In order to be eligible to win this special prize package (value $12.00), you must:
      1.  Leave a Comment on this post.
      2.  Enter a birthday themed project into our challenge. 
  • We will also be giving away a copy of Carl's Party which also features a number of great birthday themed images:
    • In order to be eligible to win this special prize package (value of $12.00), you must:
      1.  Leave a Comment on this post.
      2.  Enter a project into the challenge USING AN IMAGE FROM SCRIBBLES DESIGNS. If you don't have any images you can use the freebie featured in today's post or you can find a number of other freebies in the store by clicking on Free in the label section (click HERE to head to that section now).
  • Finally, one random commenter chosen from each participating DT member's blog post will receive a copy of the main image used on their creation. There are a total of seven images available, so be sure to head out and visit all our members and leave a comment on each stop along the way for your chance to win even more goodies.

This challenge will end on February 14th at 8:59 p.m. PST. ALL associated tasks for winning a prize MUST be accomplished no later than 8:59 p.m. PST on February 14th. The list of winners will be published in a separate post. Be sure to check for the winner announcement if you have entered this challenge.

Normally we'd now show you all the creations that our DT members have made.
However, instead we're simply going to show you a sneak peek
in order to get your creative juices flowing.

Be sure to click on the header to find each of our incredibly talented Design Team members along with Janice, one of our part time Inspiration Scribblers…

using #706 Woolley Chorus Line
and #0168 WP HBFlock (inside the card)

Before you go...

We've got a couple of other activities planned for our special birthday celebration so be sure to pop over once and a while during the next month!

Now it is your turn to get in on the fun!

Enter Scribbles Designs Challenge #73-
It's Birthday Time Again!

Link Up Below:
Please enter your project using the link up below. Please add SD after your name if you have used a Scribbles Designs image on your project (worth 2 entries for general prizes and necessary to win the Carl Party set). Also, if you'd like to be a GDT during a future quarter, please add GDT after your name. This link up will close at 8:59 p.m. PST (11:59 p.m. EST), February 14th, 2019. Remember, we've got some extra prizes available this challenge so be sure to read above for all the details!

This linky list is now closed.

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