Challenge Info...

Friday, August 22, 2014

The Pitter Patter of Little Paws Challenge

If you are anything like me, babies turn me into mush.  If they happen to be baby animals...well then, I become mushy mush.  Our fearless leader Sandy become a new mom earlier this year to the most adorable puppy.  He is a blonde American Cocker Spaniel and I'm thrilled to be able to introduce you all to Charli.

(3 months old)

(5 months old)
How could you not love that face?!  To celebrate his addition into Sandy and Boyd's family, and by extension into the Scribbles Family, we are having a special challenge (in addition to our regular monthly one) featuring Sandy's adorable kitten and puppy images.  There are currently seven images featuring kittens and puppies.  Check them out...
#415 Puppy Pea Pod

#413 Kitten Pea Pod
Whether you are into puppies or kittens, you'll love the new images.  Having just been born, these two are as cute as can be and perfect on any card to welcome a new puppy or kitten to someone's family!

#417 Dog Bone
Good Dog!  Puppies need to chew and I've never met a puppy or dog that isn't happy chewing on a bone.  This little pup is no exception!  I wonder where he plans on burying it when he is finished with it...
#842 Dog House
If you love your puppy you'll make sure that he has the best in homes.  Since puppies need to spend lots of time outdoors, it is important to provide suitable housing.  Check out this set up--three star accommodations, I'd say.  This particular dog house should be written up in Modern Dog Magazine or even in The Bark.  What pup wouldn't be happy lounging in this beautifully constructed home?!

#416 Dog Wash
Puppies with their boundless energy tend to get dirty as they begin to explore their new surroundings.  So make sure you have the right equipment to keep your puppy clean.  Bathing can be fun but it can also be a bit messy so make sure you have the area draped with a tarp and lots of towels at the ready.  Of course, I would have liked to have seen Sandy draw a picture of a cat in a tub.  I'm afraid there'd be no smiling, the cat would look like a drowned rat, and it would probably be hanging from the shower curtains, but it would still be fun to see!

#414 Puppy in Bowl
#412 Kitten in Bowl
Cute, furry, and hungry!  Keeping your new puppy or kitten well fed is also very important and you want to be sure that you start him or her off right.  Puppies and kittens grow very fast and it is important to provide the proper nutrition to help build strong bones, teeth, and muscle, and of course supply them with all the energy they need for play and learning.  Of course, you'll also need to teach your new pet that it is the food that goes in the bowl and not him or her.

Clicking on any of the watermarks above will take you to their location within the store.

So many digitals, so many possibilities!
So there you have it, seven absolutely adorable images.  Now here is the best part.  If you agree to participate in this special challenge, you get to choose one of the above listed images, absolutely for free BUT you must then use this image on the project that you submit for the challenge.   Want to join in?  Well, if your answer is yes then please email me at: scribblesdesigns_winclaims {at} outlook {dot} com (or by clicking HERE to bring the address up in your email program) with the subject Pitter Patter Challenge Image Request letting me know which one of the above images you would like to work with and I'll send it out to you as soon as I can (I'll do my absolute best to send out the image within 24 hours).  Then use this image to enter the challenge.  You can find out all the rules and prize information a little further down in this post.

Know of anyone expecting to add a sweet little baby animal to their family?  Need to create a thank you card for someone who has or will be looking after your own pet?  Or, dog-gone-it, just send someone a card telling them how much you appreciate them, no bones about it!  There are lots of ways to use any of these fantastic images.  In fact, some of our awesome talented Design Team members have put together some projects to help get your creative juices flowing...


using Puppy Pea Pod

using Dog House

using Dog Wash




Just like in all challenges, there are a few rules to follow:
  • You must request and use the designated image.  Limit of one image request per person.
  • You are allowed to link up a total of three creations. Each one must have one of the designated images listed above and each one must be a different project in a different post.  Now if it happens that you already have one of these images, you could create and enter with a project using the image you requested, and you could create and enter with a project using one of the designated images you already own.  Just remember that you are limited to three link ups overall.
  • You can create any type of project (card, scrapbooking page, tag, etc.) as long as it uses one of the designated images.
  • You are welcome to combine your entry with other challenges.
  • Please link your project post to the challenge blog, not your entire blog link or I'm afraid we'll never find your entry.
  • Please include a link back to this blog in your entry post.
  • The challenge will be open starting today, August 22nd, and close on Friday, September 12th, at 9:00 p.m. PDT.
  • Please be respectful of Sandy's generosity.  If you request an image, we expect to see you enter the challenge.  Avoid having your name added to our 'naughty list' which will prevent you from being able to participate in future special challenges.


Will you help us celebrate Sandy and Boyd's new addition to the family?  Not only do you get one of the images above just for playing along (a $3.00 value), but one lucky person will receive the new Scribble Doodle Designs Puppy Power Mish Mash 1 Digital Package containing four puppy digis + six puppy themed digital papers...

AND another lucky person will receive $10.00 worth of images from the Scribbles Designs Store.  We may even have some extra prizes for things like 'Best in Show'.  You just never know.

Ooh,  Ooh,  Ooh...wait there is more...
Currently we have our regular monthly challenge going on and this month the theme is 'Animal Planet' where we want to see an animal on your creation.  Therefore, the creation you make to enter the Pitter Patter of Little Paws Challenge can also be entered in our Animal Planet Challenge***.  This will mean even more chances to win yourself some Scribbles Designs images.  Wowzers, how is that for extra incentive?  You can check out all the details of our current monthly challenge by clicking HERE.

We really hope that you will be able to join us for this special challenge.  We can't wait to see what you come with using one of these precious images!

***Please note that if you request the dog house image, and you plan on also entering your creation into the Animal Planet Challenge, you will need to add an animal to your project in order to qualify.

Enter the Pitter Patter of Little Paws Challenge below...

Email Entry:
Elizabeth Anderson

Please link up your projects using one of the seven designated images.  Please refer to the rules above for all the details you need to know before entering this challenge.  The Pitter Patter of Little Paws Challenge will close at 9:00 p.m. PST on September 12th.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Too cute. Charli is adorable. I also get all mushy mushy when around baby animals. "I'm gonna hug you and kiss you and love you forever " Elmyra Duff - Tiny Toons Adventures - is what I think of when I see a baby animal *U*

  2. Congrats on the new puppy - he's so cute! I love animals! I am really wanting to play along with you - I see an adorable kitty that I really want! I'm going to wait to request the kitty until I'm absolutely sure I can make a card. It's been crazy here at the new house - boxes everywhere and we can't find anything! I'm completely exhausted but so happy to be here finally! Hope to be in touch soon :-) Thanks for the fun challenge - your DT samples are absolutely precious!

  3. Sandy, I love these adorable images! They are so fun to look at. I know it will even be better to use them.
    DT great cards everyone! I enjoyed looking more than once at all of them. Thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown

  4. Cute DT cards! Thanks Sandy for the cute puppy image, it's making a splash!

  5. I love the kitten in bowl - thank you for the freebie! I'm glad I found some time to play along with you!

  6. What a sweet puppy - he's GORGEOUS !!!
    Thanks for this fun Challenge :-)

    IKE xxx


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