Hello everyone. If you are like me, and live in a location that STILL has a ton of snow (in fact we just received another several centimetres just a couple days ago!), then you are hoping and praying for warmer weather soon. I'm also sure that you would agree that a trip to the tropics would be an awesome idea right about now! However, if your financial situation is anything like mine, a trip is out of the question. So, let me bring the tropics to you with a collection of Sandy's beautiful tropical fish images! There are so many types and patterns to choose from, you are sure to find something you like!
Check them out...
#311 Tropical Fish 1 |
#313 Tropical Fish 2 |
#314 Tropical Fish 3 |
#315 Tropical Fish 4 |
#316 Tropical Fish 5 |
#317 Tropical Fish 6 |
#318 Tropical Fish 7 |
There are even a couple of starfish to choose from...
#312 Star Fish 1 |
#319 Star Fish 2 |
Aren't all these images fabulous?! Think of the fun you could have playing with them! Maybe your preference is to colour by hand, or possibly you prefer to paint digitally; or, perhaps you have a penchant for paper piecing. It doesn't matter what your style is, these tropical delights would be suitable for all three.
Someone else wanted to say hi to you all today. One of the many beloved Scribbles Designs characters has had the opportunity to do a little travelling herself to a warmer climate recently and wanted to share this 'picture' she had taken while in Hawaii. Ahhhhhh...Hawaii...one of the locations on my own dream vacation list. Anyways, I'll continue to dream of far away warm places on my own time, for now check out Lori in her fantastic grass skirt...
#131 Lori Aloha |
Lori definitely had a fabulous time while on vacation. She got right into the swing of things and had those hips a-shakin'. Sandy loved this picture of Lori so much, she even made a couple of sentiments to go along with it.
First up there is...
#052 You Had Me At Aloha |
and another great one...
#053 Whatever Flips Your Grass Skirt |
So, if you can't get to the tropics, bring the tropics home to you with one or more of these awesome images. Clicking on any of the images should bring you to their location in the
Scribbles Designs store. If there is a glitch, you can head to the
STORE and click on the label 'Tropical' for the fish and Starfish images and the label 'Lori' for the other three images.
So many digitals, so many possibilities!
Psst...interested in a new freebie or two? Don't forget that each Friday, my fellow teammie Sam is hosting
her own special post where she'll be sharing a free image with you all. You can check out what she's posted
for the latest Freebie Friday by clicking
HERE. And, as always, there is another freebie up for grabs over in our current challenge
which we'd love for you to enter, if you haven't already. This month we are paying homage to the much beloved frog of ours, Carl, so the focus is on all things amphibian. Our
Toad-ally Unfrogettable challenge just started this past Saturday so there is plenty of time to get in on all the fun. You have until 9:00
p.m. PST on April 14th to enter. You can find out all the
details you need for participating and for grabbing the special freebie,
by clicking
HERE. Also, don't forget to come back on Thursday when the winners for Challenge #14 will be announced.
you are not yet a follower, now is the perfect time to become one. This
you won't miss out on learning about all the wonderful new images being
added to the store, missing out on the latest antics and adventures of
your favourites characters or on all the special events happening over
here at the Scribbles Designs Challenge blog!
Well guys, that is it for this one. I hope you all have a fabulous day!
Until next time!