Hello everyone! My name is Lisa and I am part of the Design Team here
over at Scribbles Designs Challenges. If you are familiar with my blog,
Décosse's Dynamite Doodles,
then you have already been properly introduced to many of the latest
Scribbles Designs stamps. If not, then I have a treat for the rest of
you. Today is the day to become acquainted with all of the most recent wonderful new
characters and images available for purchase in the Scribbles Designs store.
At the beginning of March some new faces showed up in the store...

Meet Carl O'Brian, close cousin to Carl. He was over visiting from
Ireland, spending St. Patrick's with Carl and the fam. He had a
fabulous time while here. This is a snapshot from that vacation. He'd love
for you take his picture home with you. You can find him in the store

up we have Lep-Brrr-chaun. After finishing up with all his Valentine's
day gigs for the year, Brrr moonlighted for St. Patrick's Day to bring
in a little extra cash. He does have a Mrs. and a Baby Brr to take
care of you know. You can find him in the store
This leprechaun hat is perfect for all your St. Patrick's cards either
alone or atop the head of your favourite characters. You can grab
it now so that you'll be ready for next year's cards. Mr. Wool or Brrr
would look dashing sporting one of these atop their heads! You can find it in the store
Whether you are a leprechaun or not, we could all use a pot of gold! Now if
only it were real gold we could use it to buy all the digis we want! You can find it in the store
Mr Wool, another beloved Scribbles Designs character, also celebrated St. Patrick's Day in style this past March. He even headed over to the local pub that
day, brought his own clover and
everything. You can find him in the store
Since it was the beginning of March, someone got into the Easter treats a tad bit early and
as a result developed a little spread. This bunny is still having problems getting
back down his rabbit hole! You can find this cute little bunny butt in the store
it to these two, to make another appearance. They just can't help but
bask in the limelight. Don't tell them but they are a little egocentric
and just don't know when to go home but that is okay because we love
them so much. If you have either Brrr or Mr. Wool, these close up
stamps are the perfect accompaniment. They'd be great to use on the
inside of the card coloured up or simply as line-art. You could also print them out on the envelope for a special treat! The close of Brr can be found in the store
HERE and the close of Mr Wool can be found in the store
Then, a couple of weeks later, Sandy launched six new images...
Brr was all set for his vacation in the Canadian Rockies. He is from British Columbia after all and it was time to explore some of the local hiking trails. Good thing he had his map though, there were a couple of times he headed down the wrong pathway. Help keep Brr on the straight and narrow by bringing him home with you. Then the two of you can hit the trails together. You can find him in the store
While on vacation, Brr stayed at a wonderful hotel and got the opportunity to try out his new snorkeling gear. Believe it or not he is actually a bit nervous in the water so he brought along his trusted floatie Burt to help him out. I know, it is a little silly, a penguin who is afraid of the water. He has been seeing a psychiatrist to help him with his issues but don't tell him I told you. He is a bit embarrassed about the whole deal. If you'd like to support Brr while dealing with his problems you could bring him home and help him work through things by putting him on some of your cards. Just make sure that if he goes anywhere near water, that Burt stays with him. You don't want to see a penguin when it is all riled up. It isn't a pretty sight. You can find Brrr-ubbles in the store
Suave Carl. Cultured Carl. Sophisticated Carl. Doesn't matter what we call him, Carl is one cool dude! Nothing more need be said. To bring this worldly amphibian home with you, click
HERE to find him in the store.
This amphibian family really likes the name Carl in all its derivatives! Let me introduce you to another of the cousins in this clan, Carlos. He was up from Mexico to spend some time with us during the Fiesta Tuesday celebration. This was a party right up his alley. Now if you have never been serenaded to by an amphibian you have no idea what you are missing. Bring the dulcet tones of Carlos home with you by finding him in the store
Next meet the wonderful Flamingos, Frank and Farrah.
Now they are not actually a couple....not yet anyways. I've had the pleasure of working with the handsome Frank. Isn't he just the most manly flamingo you have ever seen?
He draws you in with those steely eyes and you become putty in his
wings. Frank is so cool he actually walks on water--just one more
reason the ladies flock to his side. One day soon, one of those ladies just might by Farrah. She is pretty easy on the eyes herself, and a bit of a flirt if truth be known. You never know what might happen to bring the two of these flamingos together one day. Stay tuned to see if there is a romance in their future. If you'd like to bring them home and do a little matchmaking of your own, you can find Farrah in the store
HERE and Frank
A few days later, even more awesome images were unveiled.
However, it has become rather apparent, that there is a serious problem going on with a couple of our bunnies.
They've indulged so much, they can no longer face the world anymore.
Such a shame! Will you take this bunny home and give him the love
and attention he needs so he'll stop turning to food to solve all his
problems? You can find him in the store
Bunny on the other hand, we'll call him "B", is suffering no self
esteem issues. Although he does need to be careful. He was put in
witness protection after witnessing a savage theft in the carrot patch.
Four other bunnies and a chick playing it real cool were brought
in for questioning. We'll have to see how it all plays out. In the
meantime "B" really needs to keep his face hidden. Will you take him
home and protect him? You can find him in the store
HERE. Don't worry, we have serious security in the store and there is no fear that "B" will fall into the wrong hands.
is the truck that was impounded from the 'carrot theft' incidence.
Since all paw prints have been lifted and fur collected, it has been
released for auction. I hear you can get a pretty good deal on it over
at Scribbles Designs by going
A little over a week later, we meet up with "B" and his adventures once again. Now even though Easter has passed it is never too late to get a jump
start on your images for next year.

So we know that "B" witnessed a savage
theft in the carrot patch and is in witness protection. Well, the
trial is set for some time in May so starting to go a little stir crazy, he decided that
he was not going to stay stuck indoors. This snapshot was from the town's
Easter Pageant from a few week's back. Unfortunately, I can't share his exact location for
reasons of safety. However, if the media gets a hold of this picture
from the local paper, and the bad guys learn where "B" is at, it might
just be bye, bye, bunny! If you would like to take this special snapshot of "B" home with you, it can be found
HERE in the store.
is a snapshot of the truck that brought in the eggs for the Easter
Pageant. The one "B" is holding came from this wonderful stash of Easter
eggs all donated by local townspeople. Once the trial is finished "B"
just might just stick around this little town. They are a very generous
group of people. If you'd like to drive in your own Easter egg truck for next year's pageant, then you can get a pretty good deal on this vehicle too. Go
HERE for that deal. Maybe Sandy was a used car salesman in a previous life. You never know...

who won for best decorated egg in the Easter Pageant? Yup, you guessed
it, that is him, "B" jumping for joy after being chosen. Now he has
even more incentive to stick around and call this place home. Let's hope the bad guys don't find him or this could end up being one of the last photos we ever get of "B". If you'd like to take this snapshot of a happy "B" home with you click
Well, you have now all been brought up to date with the last two month's worth of fabulous new images created by the amazingly talented Sandy Sommerfeld. I hope you all love these
images as much as I do.
I'll be back soon to introduce the latest new releases over at Scribbles Designs. If you are not yet a follower, now is the perfect time to do so. That way you won't miss out on the lives of all your beloved characters and learning about new ones and new images that are bound to make their appearance in the store.
Also, don't forget to check out our challenges. This month the theme is Shaped or Easel cards and you can find out all the details you need for participating by clicking HERE.
Until next time!