Challenge Info...

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Monthly Scribblers Showcase for June


Hey folks. It is that time of month where we showcase the projects that Julie (our inspiration team of one) has created, along with any extra creations our full time team members may have had the chance to create during the past four weeks.

This time around, in addition to Julie's projects we also have designs from Team Members Diane Louise and Suze. Take a look at what these ladies have been up to...
Julie has once again had the time to create two different projects
for your viewing enjoyment. The first one is this cool card...

The second project is this cool shaped card. Here is what it looks like all closed up...

Here is how it looks opened...

and here is a close up of the cool flower doodle...

using #080 Words 3 and  #A 31 Flower Doodle 8

using #F73 Shamrock Bird (Free), #F 81 Shamrock (Free),
#0122 Kiss Me and Scribbles Doodles Designs Hugs Digi Paper (Free)

You can find the details for this card,
previously posted on Suze's blog, by clicking HERE.

Have you been inspired to create?!
Don't forget to share your own Scribbles Designs creations with us.

If you enjoyed any of these projects, our designers would love a visit.
You can find each of their personal blogs by clicking on their respective header.

If you are interested in purchasing any of the images featured in today's post,
click on the names to find them in the store.

Well, that is it for this Extra Inspiration post.

Please join us again on July 1st when we'll we back with the midway for our current Anything Goes themed challenge. Click HERE to find out all the details!

Happy crafting until we meet again!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Winners!!! Challenge 64: Favouring the Feminine


Challenge #64
Favouring the Feminine

Thank you to all those who entered
the last challenge!!

Another challenge is over and it is time to find out the names of our Top Scribbler, Top Three and Gold Star recipient. I apologize for the delay in getting this post out. My life is still a bit of a chaotic mess. Thankfully Diane Louise, one of our team members, had some time to help tabulate the results so that I could get this out to you all quicker!

We were very pleased to see 23 delightful entries in the Favouring the Feminine challenge! As always, the DT really enjoyed checking out all the incredible work that went into designing them. An extra special thank you to those individuals who used a Scribbles Designs image on their project! It is always great to see entries with Sandy's images. Don't forget, if you enter using a Scribbles Designs image, you receive 2 entries per project and there are no limit to how many you can enter. Also, a reminder that if you do in fact use one of Sandy's images, to please be sure to write SD after your name when you enter. It isn't always easy to see if it is a Scribbles image from the thumbnails and I'd hate for anyone to miss out on an extra chance to win the prize because they forget to add the initials.

Were you one of the lucky winners? Well it is time to find out…

Here we go!
(chosen randomly with

Maria … you have until July 14th, 2018, to contact us at to claim your prize…Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $10 value of digital images (digital papers are not included)

(chosen by Design Team members)

#1. Janice

Janice, Yogi & Sandy … you have until July 14th, 2018, to contact us at to claim your prize…Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $3 value of digital images (digital papers are not included)

(honourable mention--a project or card that is uniquely creative)

Carol … you have until July 14th, 2018, to contact us at to claim your prize…Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $3 value of digital images (digital papers are not included)

Don't forget to add to your Scribbles Designs collection each month
by collecting the freebie offered up during each challenge and during our
special Flash Freebie events.

Speaking of challenges, we'd love to have you join in our current challenge...

Please join us again on July 1st when we'll be back
with the midway for our current challenge!

Happy Crafting Until Next Time!!!

Friday, June 15, 2018

SD Challenge #66: Anything Goes

Challenge #66
Anything Goes!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Scribbles Designs Challenge blog. Whether you are new or one of our regulars, we are so thankful that you are here with us on our little spot in blogland. It is the 15th of the month and that means it is time for our next challenge to get started! Our theme this month is Anything Goes and here is what you need to know to join us...

In the history of this challenge blog, we've come to realize that we have NEVER had an 'Anything Goes' theme! Not a single one in the last five years!!! So, it is about time we do so. That means that for this challenge, you get to create whatever you want, according to any type of theme you want!

Maybe you need to make a birthday card for someone special who'll be celebrating soon. Perhaps you have a wedding coming up in the near future that you need to get busy designing for. Perchance you have a special craft that you've been wanting to try out. While they can be difficult, it is always important to add some sympathy cards to your collection when you can, so that is another option. Or, maybe you simply want to get a head start on your Christmas card stash. Whichever direction you turn to, it is completely up to you. It is time to make whatever your little heart desires!

Our incredibly talented women are here to share their inspiring creative work featuring projects related to our Anything Goes theme. We hope that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images and the creative direction that ensues. 

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar.

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image, please click HERE.

Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

 #F 146 Moon & Stars

Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

You can also find this image in the store,
along with the png version, by clicking HERE.

This month's prizes...

  • Top Scribbler (chosen randomly) receives $10 worth of digital images
  • Top 3 (chosen by Design Team) receives $3 worth of digital images
  • Gold Star (chosen by Design Team) receives $3 worth of digital images
This challenge will end on July 14th at 9:00 p.m. PST. The list of winners will be published in a separate post. We're a wee bit behind in our winner announcements so your patience is appreciated as we catch up.  Be sure to check for the winner announcement if you have entered this challenge.

Right now, it is time to get your creative juices flowing
with our awesome talented Design Team...

The inside of the card...

...and a matching envelope she made to go with it!

using Sailboat 1

 Now it is your turn to get in on the fun!

Enter Scribbles Designs Challenge #66-
Anything Goes

Link Up Below:
Please enter your project using the link up below. Please add SD after your name if you have used a Scribbles Designs image on your project (worth 2 entries). Also, if you'd like to be a GDT during a future quarter, please add GDT after your name. This link up will close at 9:00 p.m. PST (12:00 a.m. EST), July 14th, 2018.

Members of the EU Please Note:
  • By entering your Personal Information (i.e. name, blogpost address, email address) into any type of link up on this blog, you are giving your consent to having your name and blogpost link visible to everyone who visits this site. While we also request that you submit your email address when adding a card to any link up, this particular piece of Personal Information is kept private. It is only visible to those individuals tasked with taking care of the administrative aspects of this blog and challenge (see more on how your email address is used below).
  • By commenting on any post on this blog, you are also giving your consent to having your name and blogpost link visible to everyone who visits this site (unless of course, you have left a comment by remaining anonymous). 
  • If you are a winner or top pick in a challenge or other special event that you have entered, a copy of your entry information will be published in a separate winners announcement post. This entry information may include the following: 
    • your name and/or possibly your blog name
    • the blogpost address of the card that you linked up
    • a copy of the image that you originally linked up
  • We may use your email address to contact you about business (related to winnings or other matters) or for promotional purposes. If you receive a communication from us but don't wish to receive anything further, you can notify us at that time and we'll no longer send you any correspondence.
Your continued use of this blog and any services it may provide will constitute your acknowledgement and acceptance of this notice.A full Privacy Policy is being created and when completed will be added to a separate page on this blog.

This linky list is now closed.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Challenge #65 Midway: Make it Masculine

Challenge #65
Make it Masculine

Hello and welcome to the midway point of our current challenge. Here is a refresher of what the theme is all about:

"Snips and snails and puppy-dogs' tails,
that is what little boys are made of." 
~Author Unknown

In our last challenge we focused on the women in our lives and this time around it is all about the men. What comes to mind when you hear the word "masculine"? Do you associate certain colours with masculinity or is it more about a certain set of qualities or specific materials? Whatever criteria you use, it is time to honour the men in your life by coming up with a project that has a masculine touch. There are many people who have difficulty with masculine cards so this is the perfect opportunity to break out all your stripes and plaids; give your blue, green and brown markers a workout; delve into your stash bag of twine and burlap or maybe even find some fun masculine elements; and get to stretching those masculine card muscles.

Whether you create a card for Father's Day which is right around the corner in North America and many other countries around the world, design a cool birthday card for a special guy in your life,  decide to prepare a project for a close male friend, or simply want to boost the ego of a man you know, it is a great time to be focusing on the masculine. Whomever you decide to create for and whatever you plan to do, it is time to reach inside and find your inner 'dude' and bring a masculine touch to your creation.               

There are still two weeks left in the challenge and we hope that you will be able to join us here on our spot in blog-land. We have had 19 wonderful entries so far this month but we'd love to see some more!

Our incredibly talented women are back to showcase their amazing creative work featuring projects related to our Make it Masculine theme. We hope that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images and the creative direction that ensues. 

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar.

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image, please click HERE.

Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

 #F05 Moustache

Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

You can also find this image in the store by clicking HERE.

This month's prizes...

  • Top Scribbler (chosen randomly) receives $10 worth of digital images
  • Top 3 (chosen by Design Team) receives $3 worth of digital images
  • Gold Star (chosen by Design Team) receives $3 worth of digital images
This challenge will end on June 14th at 9:00 p.m. PDT. The list of winners will be published in a separate post, sometime between the 20th and 22nd of the month, if everything goes according to plan. Winners will get to choose their images from those in the store and will have until July 14th to claim their prize. Be sure to check for the winner announcement if you have entered this challenge.

Right now, it is time to get your creative juices flowing
with our awesome talented Design Team...

using #8112 Drum

card opened up fully...

 Now it is YOUR turn!
Find the link at the bottom of the start post. 
Click HERE to head there now...

We can't wait to see what you come up with!

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