Challenge Info...

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Challenge #65: Make it Masculine

Challenge #65
Make it Masculine

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Scribbles Designs Challenge blog. Whether you are new or one of our regulars, we are so thankful that you are here with us on our little spot in blogland. It is the 15th of the month and that means it is time for our next challenge to get started! Our theme this month is Make it Masculine and here is what you need to know to join us...
"Snips and snails and puppy-dogs' tails,
that is what little boys are made of." 
~Author Unknown

In our last challenge we focused on the women in our lives and this time around it is all about the men. What comes to mind when you hear the word "masculine"? Do you associate certain colours with masculinity or is it more about a certain set of qualities or specific materials? Whatever criteria you use, it is time to honour the men in your life by coming up with a project that has a masculine touch. There are many people who have difficulty with masculine cards so this is the perfect opportunity to break out all your stripes and plaids; give your blue, green and brown markers a workout; delve into your stash bag of twine and burlap or maybe even find some fun masculine elements; and get to stretching those masculine card muscles.

Whether you create a card for Father's Day which is right around the corner in North America and many other countries around the world, design a cool birthday card for a special guy in your life,  decide to prepare a project for a close male friend, or simply want to boost the ego of a man you know, it is a great time to be focusing on the masculine. Whomever you decide to create for and whatever you plan to do, it is time to reach inside and find your inner 'dude' and bring a masculine touch to your creation.                

Our incredibly talented women are here to share their inspiring creative work featuring projects related to our Make it Masculine theme. We hope that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images and the creative direction that ensues. 

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar.

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image, please click HERE.

Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

 #F05 Moustache

Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

You can also find this image in the store by clicking HERE.

This month's prizes...

  • Top Scribbler (chosen randomly) receives $10 worth of digital images
  • Top 3 (chosen by Design Team) receives $3 worth of digital images
  • Gold Star (chosen by Design Team) receives $3 worth of digital images
This challenge will end on June 14th at 9:00 p.m. PDT. The list of winners will be published in a separate post, sometime between the 20th and 22nd of the month, if everything goes according to plan. Winners will get to choose their images from those in the store and will have until July 14th to claim their prize. Be sure to check for the winner announcement if you have entered this challenge.

Right now, it is time to get your creative juices flowing
with our awesome talented Design Team...

 Now it is your turn to get in on the fun!

Enter Scribbles Designs Challenge #65-
Make it Masculine

Link Up Below:
Please enter your project using the link up below. Please add SD after your name if you have used a Scribbles Designs image on your project (worth 2 entries). Also, if you'd like to be a GDT during a future quarter, please add GDT after your name. This link up will close at 9:00 p.m. PDT (12:00 a.m. EDT), June 14th, 2018.

When you link up, we request that you give us your name and email address. While this info is stored on the Linky Tools system, it is possible that we may use it in the future in order to contact you. By entering our challenge you are freely submitting your personal information to us and giving us permission to contact you if necessary. If after receiving email from us, you request not to receive any future messages, we will abide by your wishes.

This linky list is now closed.

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