Challenge Info...

Friday, September 25, 2015

Freebie Friday: Heart Whimsy1

This Freebie Friday is another whimsy style image.  Collected from one of the new Doodled Quotes.   As a digital artist, I can pull images from a larger image to create a series of doodles for you.   So here is another of a mini tangled doodles for you to enjoy...  Heart Whimsy1

Enjoy and thank you again for joining us with Freebie Fridays and I do hope since you've grabbed a freebie that you'll consider joining us at our monthly challenges at Scribbles Designs...

Sandy S

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Freebie Friday: Flower Whimsy1

Hi everyone....  I'm filling in for a couple of months while our super Sam is on another project....  do check out Days of the Year and you'll see what she's being up to... as well as planning her and Jon's upcoming wedding...

I'm pulling some sneak peeks with this and the upcoming Freebie Fridays from new (large coloring images) Tangled Doodle Quotes that will be coming into the Scribbles Designs store soon...

This one is called Flower Whimsy1

It is tangle called Mush Flower and it's my doodling take on it.... I certainly didn't follow the step-out instructions rather freehand drawn...  I hope that you can find it useful and looking forward to the large image that this one comes from.

Have a great week.... see you next Friday!

Sandy S

Winners!!! Challenge #32 Boys Will Be Boys... Scribbles Designs Challenge Blog

 Challenge #32 
Boys Will Be Boys...

Scribbles Designs Challenge Blog

Thank you to all who entered the Boys Will Be Boys challenge!! 

Looks like you all had fun with the theme on your card or project....and we received awesome cards .. It was great to see all entries and so enjoyable viewing and visiting the blog posts...  

We changed up our rules a bit and if you entered using a Scribbles Designs image, you received 2 entries per project and there was no limit to how many you could enter.  The Design Team had fun choosing their favorites! 

 Here we go!
Top Scribbler

13. KT Fit Kitty

Has been contacted and awarded...


And onto our Top 3 chosen by our fabulous Scribbles Design Team....

Art w/Yogi, Jose & Helen (Crafty Mamma Mia)... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $3 value of digital images (digital papers are not included) 


And the Gold Star Honorable Mention...
the Gold Star is a project or card that is uniquely creative... 

Anet... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...
Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $3 value of digital images (digital papers are not included) 


Winner of the Bugaboo sponsored prize...

Carol... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...


Please join us for our current challenge...grab a Friday Freebie & the monthly freebie and JOIN US!!!
Have an awesome day!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Scribbles Designs Challenge #33 Good Luck

Scribbles Designs Challenge #33
Good Luck

For many, September is a time of new beginnings.   Many families have children headed back to grade school.  Others have grown children en route to college or university.  Then there are those who may be starting their first full time job or just moving into their very first apartment.  These are all great reasons for wishing someone good luck.  You may have another reason to share words of good fortune with another.  Whatever the occasion, this month we want to see projects wishing someone you know good luck.  Everyone could use wishes for a little good fortune now and then!

And we thank you for spending some time here on our spot in blog-land. We're excited to showcase our talented women & their incredible creative work.  We think that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images 
and the creative direction that ensues.  

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar. 

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image click here.
Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

This month's sponsors...
Top Scribbler receives $10 worth of digital images, winner's choice 
Top 3 receives $3 worth of digital images

Donating: 7 digital images, winners choice

Let's get your creative juices flowing with our awesome talented Design Team...


using Butterfly Mason Jar

using Summer Solstice



using Shamrock

using Brrr-ubbles and Good Luck (part)

using  Mr Wool 3 + Zipper Quote

using Flower Doodle


Enter Scribbles Designs Challenge #33 Good Luck here...

Scribbles Designs Challenge #33 Good Luck

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Freebie Friday: Nut and bolt

Hey Scribblers! Hows it going? Sorry this one is suupper late I seem to have lost complete track of weather I am coming or going! I have been super busy with my day job and am in the middle or launching something really exciting! I can't wait to get it out there! But enough about that I have a image that I felt was rather fitting for my frame of mind at the moment!

See what I mean! LOL! I can't believe that its the middle of September where has this year gone and I suppose it is going to get busier from here I think im gonna need to pull out my a game for the next few months and get back on top of things!

Well I shall see you next week guys!

Stay Crafty


Monday, September 7, 2015

Announcing Scribbles Designs newest DT members....

Please Welcome our newest Design Team Members...

My name is Kelli but most people call me kel.  I am located in beautiful Kaneohe, Hawaii (USA).  I am 32-yo and happily married, a non-traditional college student double majoring in History and Asian studies, only attending half-time to qualify as a student employee and to be able to care for baby #3 (born 9/30/14!).  I started scrapbooking in 2003 when pregnant with my oldest son, turned into a collector, and then started seriously creating again in 2013 because my stash grew out of control!  Who am I kidding... it's still outta control!!  haha!  I like to think of myself as a clean and simple stamper... I gravitate towards clean lines and minimal embellishments when I craft.  I LOVE patterned paper and cardstock though!!  I LOVE making cards, but my real passion is for scrapbook layouts... although from my blog you might not be able to see that!

You can find Kelli's blog here...

Hi there – I am Ike……a nickname that I got hooked with many years ago due to my surname, and in my profession at that time, …… they just loved  to give nicknames :)

OK – potted history ….. I was born in the UK, went to art college, worked as a Cop for 30 years, had me 1 fabulous daughter, lived on an island, retired and moved to another island, became a grandmother, do my own thing  :-D

I live in Greece now and have a passion for kitties :) I have 6 house cats and several interlopers that I feed at the windows. This number grows all the time as the kitty telegraph goes around…. I think it’s up to 16 now!!  I also have 8 English Light Sussex chickens that I reared myself in an incubator :)

I am a complete nutter or should I say I’m ‘zany’ hahaha.  I have a very strange/sick sense of humour and I must admit I spend a lot of time talking to myself. !!  Well, I get more sense out of me.!  I reckon in a few years I shall be known as the “crazy cat lady”  :)

I got myself a small dog about 7 months ago – Moishe - with the idea of trying to ‘deter’ any more stray cats from arriving, but it hasn't exactly worked and he now thinks he’s a cat !! :-D

I am an artist and have a strange mind when it comes to creating my art. I either go completely true to life… right down to the last hair… or I go totally surreal.   I have a passion for all things horror/Gothic etc. I've always loved horror films and books and I guess that’s why it creeps into my stuff ! 
Had I been a bit younger I swear I would have been a Goth……luuuuuv it.
Next time around I am gonna be a witch or a cat :)

I have always been interested in anything ‘arty’ and I dabble in all sorts of art and crafts. My main thing – if you call it that – are Pet Portraits, and I started my IKEsART website about 2 years ago. Then someone asked me if I drew digital stamp images and so I started doing that as well. :)  I draw anything from cute and cuddly to the more macabre and quite often do special requests.

I started my IkesWorld Blog about 3 years ago and now run a Challenge Blog – IkesWorld Challenges and also have an IKEsART FaceBook Fan Page. I have plenty of digi stamp Freebies lurking on the Blog and FB page if you would like to snag some (shameless plug)  :-D

Well, I guess that’s about it… a ‘potted history’ of me. It’s great to be here and introduce myself. Thanks for reading. :-D

Luv IKE xx

 Hi Everyone! My name is Peggie Sue Jackson.  I've been crafting in one way or another since I was kid. Paper crafting since I was in college. Back then, our sorority did a lot of doodling and used a lot of flat stickers for our scrapbooks! LOL. I live in North Georgia with my hubby (my loyal supporter), my son (“Wildman” my biggest fan), our three cats, and our dog. We have two older kids (Sissy and Sniper) that have moved up and out (college and the Army.)

I've always had a love for all sorts of crafts: paper-crafting, sewing, wood working, decorating and cooking. I love the escape that crafting provides (cheap therapy really!) and the satisfaction of being able complete a one of a kind work of art in a relatively short amount of time.  Love it!

I enjoy trying all sorts of new techniques in paper-crafting, pushing myself to learn & create something new, or new to me. There are so many creative options and the possibilities are really endless. I am so super excited to be part of the Scribbles Design Team. I can’t wait to see all of your creative ideas, to inspire and to be inspired! 

You can find Peggie Sue's blog here...

I'm a 21 year old, who is currently a university IT student in Riyadh. My majors is Programming and I'm in my last semester. I came into crafting world 4 years back and I simply fell in love when I got hold of few products. I love making cards, scrapbooks and tags. I am also about to give it a try to Mixed Media. I simply love that genre too! I've been running an online store past 4 years and it is quite a success which I am grateful of.

Because I love to try new crafty things and techniques most importantly and digital art is something which I am experimenting with nowadays and completely loving it. I would like to a part of the blog where I can show everyone what I am up to, sharing different projects on cards, tags, canvas - Possibilities are endless! Also, working in a team is something which I am good at and time punctuality is what I believe in most. A person can not succeed if he/she is responsible enough for his/her work!

As I am residing in Saudi Arabia we don't have much influence in crafts but with my work I have slowly introduced it to people here. I started about 4 years ago and today I am running successful crafts online store and giving workshops every month. So, with the help of blogging I can reach globally.

You can find Atiya's blog here... 

Please welcome our newest members... we're excited to show ya'll in bloggerland all the Scribbles Designs Design Team's talents...

Saturday, September 5, 2015

(Late) Freebie Friday: Cupcake

Hey everyone! I hope that you have been having a great week - I just wanted to pop by with this week's image! I am currently waiting on some ink to be delivered and then I am going to have a very productive weekend making a load of cards, but I hope that you guys like this week's freebie.

I hope that you have a great weekend! 


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Scribbles Designs Challenge #32 Boys Will Be Boys

Scribbles Designs Challenge #32
Boys Will Be Boys

It is time to celebrate the men in our lives. Fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles, nephews and friends. Many of us have a plethora of men to choose from. For others there may just be a few. This month create a card for one of the special men in your own life. Many of us seem to shy away from making these more masculine projects; so, it is time to challenge ourselves and break out our images, papers and embellishments and make something manly. Boy oh boy, we can't wait to see what you come up with!

And we thank you for spending some time here on our spot in blog-land. We're excited to showcase our talented women & their incredible creative work.  We think that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images 
and the creative direction that ensues.  
Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar. 

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image click here.
Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

freebie expired

This month's sponsors...
Top Scribbler receives $10 worth of digital images, winner's choice 
Top 3 receives $3 worth of digital images

Donating: 7 digital images, winners choice

Let's get your creative juices flowing with our awesome talented Design Team...




using Dog Bone and papers from the Puppy Power Set




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