Challenge Info...

Friday, August 29, 2014

Freebie Friday: Hand Cut Heart

Hello Freebie Friday followers!  I'm late in posting this as I had grand ideas for the card and ended up changing my mind at least 3 times!  The 'story' behind this particular image is this... many years ago I (Sam, the other one) had hand cut the heart image from a white eraser and have always loved the rustic-ness of the image.  I still have the heart and do occasionally use it but I thought a digital image would be great too... so here it is...

I used a couple of techniques that I've neglected in my collection of techniques.  Once printed I used a versa mark pen to 'wet' the inside of the image, then used ZING! Florescent Neon Pink embossing powder, then my copic markers were employed to create the tye-die background or filled in area.  Here's the card.

Oh and the 'love you' sentiment will be a upcoming freebie!  I'm filling in for Sam for a couple of weeks, so I hope you enjoy the image and my imagination!

(the other one!)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Scribble Doodle Designs Winner Announcement

Hey everyone.  I hope that you are all having a fabulous weekend so far.  I'm popping in today to announce the winner of the Sizzlin' Summer Paper Set.  Before I do though, I just wanted to say thank you so very much for all the wonderfully kind words that many of you left us.  Your words of congratulations and encouragement really touched both Sandy and I.  We have also made note of the various suggestions you left for sets that you'd like to see in the future and I promise you that I'll be doing my best to bring them to you as soon as I can manage!

Everyone who left a comment on our launch post (if you missed it, you can find it HERE) by August 17th, was eligible to have their name added to the draw to win our very first paper set.
 #DP 001 Sizzlin' Summer Paper Set
Well, without further ado, I'm here to announce that our lucky winner is....

(randomly picked my

Congrats Chriss!  Please send a message to scribblesdesigns_winclaims {at} outlook {dot} com, (or click HERE to bring up the address in your email program) with the subject heading, "SDD Sizzlin' Summer Paper Set Winner", to make arrangements to get your prize.

Don't forget...  
If you weren't lucky enough to win this set, you still have the opportunity to get the Patterned Papers for free by purchasing a minimum of $12.00 of images (at one time) from the Scribbles Designs store between now and the end of August.  If you do spend $12.00 and would like the set of patterned papers, be sure to make a note of that at the time of purchase.  During the payment process, you'll have the opportunity to leave Sandy a note.  Just write, "Please send me a free copy of #DP 002 since I've spent $12.00." Then you'll be sent a copy of the paper set as well.  Easy Peasy!
#DP 002 Sizzlin' Summer Patterned Papers Only
Or of course, you can always buy any of the sets on their own, including our Sizzlin' Summer Mish Mash 1, in the store as well.  We have lots of choices to keep everyone happy!
 You can find all the Sizzlin' Summer sets in the store HERE.

look for our new Puppy Power Set, hitting the store soon.  

Before you go, I want to remind you that we have TWO, count 'em, TWO great challenges going on right now.

First up is our regular challenge where the theme this month is Animal Planet.  You can find out all the deets you need to know along with link up by clicking HERE.  Then we also have a special challenge to welcome Charli, into the Scribbles Designs family.  To help us celebrate, you can choose one of seven designated images for free, and then use that image to enter our Pitter Patter of Little Paws Challenge.  To find out everything you need to know for this special challenge, head HERE.  The best thing is that any entry into the Pitter Patter of Little Paws Challenge can ALSO be added to our Animal Planet Challenge, increasing your odds of winning even more Scribbles Designs goodies!

I hope to see you there!

Well, that is it for me today!  I hope that you all have a great week ahead!

Until next time,

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Winners!!! Sea, Sand and Surf! Scribbles Designs Challenge Blog Challenge #19

 Challenge #19  
Sea, Sand and Surf!
Scribbles Designs Challenge Blog

Thank you to all who entered the Sea, Sand and Surf! challenge!!

We challenged our DT and all the followers to have fun with Sea, Sand and Surf!...  Right now, North America is experiencing the lazy days of summer.  Just waters, splashing in the waves, and sand castles.  Ahh...there is nothing like a lazy day at the beach.  So, this month we want to see your projects with sea, sand, surf or any of the wonderful symbols associated with beach time.  Surf's up, will you catch the wave?

 Looks like you all had fun with the Sea, Sand and Surf theme on your card or project....and we received awesome cards .. It was great to see all entries and so enjoyable viewing and visiting the blog posts...  

We changed up our rules a bit and if you used a Scribbles Designs image you got 2 entries per project and no limit to how many you entered.  The Design Team had fun choosing their favorites! 

 Here we go!
Top Scribbler

Has been contacted and awarded....


And onto our Top 3 chosen by our fabulous Scribbles Design Team....

22. Shell B

Donna, Shell B and Val by Design... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...


And the Gold Star Honorable Mention...
the Gold Star is a project or card that is uniquely creative... 

30. Virginia

Virginia... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...


Winner of the Bugaboo sponsored prize...

Julie Ann... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...


Please join us for our current challenge...
and our special challenge

Have an awesome day!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Freebie Friday: Leaf doodle

Hello my Friday people! I hope that you have all had a fantastic week and that you have got some crafty fun ahead for the weekend! I have another fab image to share with you today. It's one that I have been toying with for a while I wanted to make a leaving card for a friend at work. She's leaving to go to another company. Here's the image so you know what I'm talking about.

I wanted to do a clever quip on the front of the card something like "Sorry you're leafing" I know bad! but so bad that it's kinda funny don't ya think! I have really bad handwriting, if you follow me on instagram (@planningwithsam) you''ll have seen my handwriting in my planner, it needs improvement. So I decided to go sentiment-less and have this image be the focus of the card.

I love this green nice and vibrant! I also wanted to enhance the leafy look so I mounted the once coloured image onto some wood textured card base and viola! One card ready to be given to a friend that you will miss. 

I hope that you have a fab weekend and I shall see you soon! 

Stay crafty


The Pitter Patter of Little Paws Challenge

If you are anything like me, babies turn me into mush.  If they happen to be baby animals...well then, I become mushy mush.  Our fearless leader Sandy become a new mom earlier this year to the most adorable puppy.  He is a blonde American Cocker Spaniel and I'm thrilled to be able to introduce you all to Charli.

(3 months old)

(5 months old)
How could you not love that face?!  To celebrate his addition into Sandy and Boyd's family, and by extension into the Scribbles Family, we are having a special challenge (in addition to our regular monthly one) featuring Sandy's adorable kitten and puppy images.  There are currently seven images featuring kittens and puppies.  Check them out...
#415 Puppy Pea Pod

#413 Kitten Pea Pod
Whether you are into puppies or kittens, you'll love the new images.  Having just been born, these two are as cute as can be and perfect on any card to welcome a new puppy or kitten to someone's family!

#417 Dog Bone
Good Dog!  Puppies need to chew and I've never met a puppy or dog that isn't happy chewing on a bone.  This little pup is no exception!  I wonder where he plans on burying it when he is finished with it...
#842 Dog House
If you love your puppy you'll make sure that he has the best in homes.  Since puppies need to spend lots of time outdoors, it is important to provide suitable housing.  Check out this set up--three star accommodations, I'd say.  This particular dog house should be written up in Modern Dog Magazine or even in The Bark.  What pup wouldn't be happy lounging in this beautifully constructed home?!

#416 Dog Wash
Puppies with their boundless energy tend to get dirty as they begin to explore their new surroundings.  So make sure you have the right equipment to keep your puppy clean.  Bathing can be fun but it can also be a bit messy so make sure you have the area draped with a tarp and lots of towels at the ready.  Of course, I would have liked to have seen Sandy draw a picture of a cat in a tub.  I'm afraid there'd be no smiling, the cat would look like a drowned rat, and it would probably be hanging from the shower curtains, but it would still be fun to see!

#414 Puppy in Bowl
#412 Kitten in Bowl
Cute, furry, and hungry!  Keeping your new puppy or kitten well fed is also very important and you want to be sure that you start him or her off right.  Puppies and kittens grow very fast and it is important to provide the proper nutrition to help build strong bones, teeth, and muscle, and of course supply them with all the energy they need for play and learning.  Of course, you'll also need to teach your new pet that it is the food that goes in the bowl and not him or her.

Clicking on any of the watermarks above will take you to their location within the store.

So many digitals, so many possibilities!
So there you have it, seven absolutely adorable images.  Now here is the best part.  If you agree to participate in this special challenge, you get to choose one of the above listed images, absolutely for free BUT you must then use this image on the project that you submit for the challenge.   Want to join in?  Well, if your answer is yes then please email me at: scribblesdesigns_winclaims {at} outlook {dot} com (or by clicking HERE to bring the address up in your email program) with the subject Pitter Patter Challenge Image Request letting me know which one of the above images you would like to work with and I'll send it out to you as soon as I can (I'll do my absolute best to send out the image within 24 hours).  Then use this image to enter the challenge.  You can find out all the rules and prize information a little further down in this post.

Know of anyone expecting to add a sweet little baby animal to their family?  Need to create a thank you card for someone who has or will be looking after your own pet?  Or, dog-gone-it, just send someone a card telling them how much you appreciate them, no bones about it!  There are lots of ways to use any of these fantastic images.  In fact, some of our awesome talented Design Team members have put together some projects to help get your creative juices flowing...


using Puppy Pea Pod

using Dog House

using Dog Wash




Just like in all challenges, there are a few rules to follow:
  • You must request and use the designated image.  Limit of one image request per person.
  • You are allowed to link up a total of three creations. Each one must have one of the designated images listed above and each one must be a different project in a different post.  Now if it happens that you already have one of these images, you could create and enter with a project using the image you requested, and you could create and enter with a project using one of the designated images you already own.  Just remember that you are limited to three link ups overall.
  • You can create any type of project (card, scrapbooking page, tag, etc.) as long as it uses one of the designated images.
  • You are welcome to combine your entry with other challenges.
  • Please link your project post to the challenge blog, not your entire blog link or I'm afraid we'll never find your entry.
  • Please include a link back to this blog in your entry post.
  • The challenge will be open starting today, August 22nd, and close on Friday, September 12th, at 9:00 p.m. PDT.
  • Please be respectful of Sandy's generosity.  If you request an image, we expect to see you enter the challenge.  Avoid having your name added to our 'naughty list' which will prevent you from being able to participate in future special challenges.


Will you help us celebrate Sandy and Boyd's new addition to the family?  Not only do you get one of the images above just for playing along (a $3.00 value), but one lucky person will receive the new Scribble Doodle Designs Puppy Power Mish Mash 1 Digital Package containing four puppy digis + six puppy themed digital papers...

AND another lucky person will receive $10.00 worth of images from the Scribbles Designs Store.  We may even have some extra prizes for things like 'Best in Show'.  You just never know.

Ooh,  Ooh,  Ooh...wait there is more...
Currently we have our regular monthly challenge going on and this month the theme is 'Animal Planet' where we want to see an animal on your creation.  Therefore, the creation you make to enter the Pitter Patter of Little Paws Challenge can also be entered in our Animal Planet Challenge***.  This will mean even more chances to win yourself some Scribbles Designs images.  Wowzers, how is that for extra incentive?  You can check out all the details of our current monthly challenge by clicking HERE.

We really hope that you will be able to join us for this special challenge.  We can't wait to see what you come with using one of these precious images!

***Please note that if you request the dog house image, and you plan on also entering your creation into the Animal Planet Challenge, you will need to add an animal to your project in order to qualify.

Enter the Pitter Patter of Little Paws Challenge below...

Email Entry:
Elizabeth Anderson

Please link up your projects using one of the seven designated images.  Please refer to the rules above for all the details you need to know before entering this challenge.  The Pitter Patter of Little Paws Challenge will close at 9:00 p.m. PST on September 12th.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Freebie Friday: Ice Cream!

Hello scribblers! Have you missed me!It's going to be a long one so grab a cuppa!

I am very sorry that I have not been around the passed few weeks and don't you think that Sam (the other one) has done an amazing job!? I have loved looking at her cards! I have not had the best few weeks have have been putting on a bit of a face for the time being while inside I have been incredibly scared!

The aunt (well not my aunt my mum's aunt, but she has always been my aunt as well)  was admitted into hospital after having a mild heart attack. I don't get how a heart attack can be mild. She had been in for the past 5 weeks and was let home last Thursday. She is doing much better but is now having to live with rather bad kidney's and heart failure that could happen at any moment. Also to add insult to injury her brother (My uncle) passed away the day she was let home. So I have not had the best past few weeks but things could be much worse. I think the best thing now is to focus on each day at a time and see what it brings. I can't thank Sandy enough for being there to do these post and it has given me the much need brain function to focus on other things.

But I'm back and I know that Sam has already used this one before but I wanted to get my hands on it as well and show you my take on this fab image!

It is still super hot over here in the UK but I don't think that it's going to last much longer so I am defiantly enjoying it while I can! Here's my card to inspire you to use this fab image!

I have used my brand new Distress Markers to give this card a water colour effect and I have used a bit of glossy accents on the cherry because... well why not!? I hope you get chance to play with this image and I can't wait to see what you guys make with it!

As always share below where you have used the image I would love to have a look.

Stay Crafty


Animal Planet Scribbles Designs Challenge #20

Scribbles Designs Challenge #20
Animal Planet...

Rabbits, cats and foxes, oh my!  Our world wouldn't be the same without all the wonderful species of animals in it and many of our lives wouldn't be the same without our pets keeping us company.  This month we want to see an animal on your creation.  Whether wild or domestic it doesn't matter; as long as it has fur, feathers, or fins, it qualifies.  So, take a walk on the wild side and show us what you've got.

And we thank you for spending some time here on our spot in blog-land. We're excited to showcase our talented women & their incredible creative work.  We think that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images 
and the creative direction that ensues.  

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar. 

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image click here.
Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

freebie expired

This month's sponsors...
Top Scribbler receives 3 digital images,winners choice 
Top 3 receives 1 digi image

Donating: 7 digital images, winners choice

Let's get your creative juices flowing with our awesome talented Design Team...

using Woolley chorus line


using Movember Boys (Bonus Image)



using Carl Gone Buggy and Friends quote

Enter Animal Planet Scribbles Designs Challenge #20 here...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Scribble Doodle Designs Launches Today!!!

It has been awhile in the making, but I am so very thrilled to finally announce that Scribbles Designs and Décosse's Dynamite Doodles have paired up to bring you a collaborative new effort called....
 wait for it....

Listen to what our readers have been saying...
"Oh my goodness!  I can't wait to see what they come up with!"  --C.

"About bloody time these two got together!"  --J.

"I'm so excited!  I love the work of each of these ladies separately so I know that what they come up with as a duo will simply be brilliant!!!"  --P.

Okay, okay, so I made all these comments up but someone, somewhere could be thinking this, right?!  A girl's got to have dreams!!!!
Through this collaborative effort we plan on bringing you a variety of digital goodies to choose from as I, Lisa, will take Sandy's fabulous existing digital images and turn them into digital papers and other goodies for your scrapbooking pleasure.  We'll also be offering other digital designs as part of some Mini Mash-Ups.

Right now we are pleased to introduce our first set called 'Sizzlin' Summer'.  We've been teasing you with bits of it this past month but it is finally time to unveil the paper set.

For just $2.99 you get all six wonderful digital papers in the set...

#DP 002 Sizzlin' Summer Patterned Papers Only
And, for just $1.00 more you can have not only the six patterned papers but also the six matching textured ones (or you can pay $1.99 to just purchase the textured set separately)...

#DP 003 Sizzlin' Summer Textured Papers Only

So that is a total of $3.99 for all 12 papers!

#DP 001 Sizzlin' Summer Paper Set
Each paper is 3600 x 3600 pixels (i.e. 12 inches) and published at 300 dpi.  If you are a card maker you can always resize any of the papers smaller without distorting the quality.  The patterned papers were created using six different Scribble Designs Images.  Each watermark is linked to its location in the store:

As I mentioned above, we are also offering up what we are calling Mini Mash Ups where we will be putting together sets filled with a selection of digital papers and a selection of digital images.  Our first Mini Mash Up set consists of the six patterned papers from the Sizzlin' Summer set and the digital images that were used to create them...

#DP 004 Sizzlin' Summer Mash Up 1
Now individually the items in this package would be worth $14.00 but since we love our readers so much, we are offering it for a measly $10.00!  That is an overall savings of $4.00!!!

To purchase any of these items advertised today, simply click HERE to be taken to their location in the Scribbles Designs store.

How would you like the opportunity to win the Sizzlin' Summer Paper Set?
#DP 001 Sizzlin' Summer Paper Set
Well, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post between now and August 17th letting us know what you think of this new direction.  We'd also love to know if there are any Scribble Designs images in particular that you'd like to see made into a paper.  A random draw will be held and you might just walk away with a free copy of our very first set! 

But we're not done yet!!! 
Anyone who purchases a minimum of $12.00 of images (at one time) from the Scribbles Designs store between now and the end of August, will receive the Sizzlin' Summer Patterned Papers for free.
#DP 002 Sizzlin' Summer Patterned Papers Only
If you do spend $12.00 and would like the set of patterned papers, be sure to make a note of that at the time of purchase.  During the payment process, you'll have the opportunity to leave Sandy a note.  Just write, "Please send me a free copy of #DP 002 since I've spent $12.00." Then you'll be sent a copy of the paper set as well.  Easy Peasy!

We have so many exciting combinations planned but like all things, they will take time to come to fruition; so, we hope that you will all stick with us as we begin this new venture together!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by sending a message to scribbledoodledesigns [at] outlook [dot] com or by clicking HERE to bring up the address in your email program.

See you all again soon!

*Credit: Cherub image is courtesy of Karen Arnold,

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