Challenge Info...

Friday, June 20, 2014

Winners! Let them Eat Cake Scribbles Designs Challenge Blog

 Challenge #17  
Let them Eat Cake
Scribbles Designs Challenge Blog

Thank you to all who entered the Let Them Eat Cake challenge!!

We challenged our DT and all the followers to have fun with Let Them Eat Cake and color challenge on your card or project....and we received awesome cards .. It was great to see all entries and so enjoyable viewing and visiting the blog posts...  
We changed up our rules a bit and if you used a Scribbles Designs image you got 2 entries per project and no limit to how many you entered.  The Design Team had fun choosing their favorites! 

 Here we go!

Top Scribbler

8. AJ

AJ ... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...


And onto our Top 3 chosen by our fabulous Scribbles Design Team....

6. Leeann

7. Karen McAlpine

4. Carol Gill

Leeann, Karen McAlpine & Carol Gill ... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...


And the Gold Star Honorable Mention...
the Gold Star is a project or card that is uniquely creative... 

3. Catherine Joseph

Catherine Joseph... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...


Winner of the Bugaboo sponsored prize...

1. Edwina Brown

Edwina Brown... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...


Please join us for our current challenges...

Challenge #18 Say it With a Sentiment
Special Pink Party Challenge

Have an awesome day!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Special Pink Party Challenge....

Hello bloggie world! 

Scribbles Designs has been invited to participate in a very very special PINK PARTY Challenge...

and we'd like you along with our Scribbles Designs Design Team to join us in a challenge for this special event!

The chosen entry by The Pink Party planners will win a prize plus your image will appear on all 2014 Pink Party literature, Facebook page and website and used as the invitation front cover  which is mailed to the Pink Party participants.
Please read along further about the Pink Party and the design requirements for your entry.

You may ask what is PINK PARTY ?

An annual fundraising even for women coping with cancer hosted by a bunch of crazy women now known as "Judy's Girls".  This night is for women only and we encourage everyone to bring along their "breast friends" for a night to remember.

Pink Party Success

It was our mentor, Judy Colburne's fondest wish to raise $200,00 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation within a 10 year period.  

We are proud to announce that "Judy's Girls" have surpassed that goal in a mere 7 years, reaching $206,169.85 in 2011.

As of 2012 were are continuing Judy's legacy by supporting two local charities:  BC Hospitality Foundation - $5,000 in financial assistance to women in the Okanagan coping with cancer and Kelowna General Hospital - committing $45,000 to be raised within 3 years to purchase equipment for cancer patients.

For more information about Judy, "Judy's Girls" and the Pink Party, please visit their website & Facebook page


Here are your design requirements...
  • Theme:  The Oscars  
  • (some suggestions...The Last Curtain Call; We're kicking (or rolling) out the Pink Carpet; Gold (side view) female silhouette)
  • Invitation size will be 5.5" x 4.25" - can be in portrait or landscape format.  Your artwork must fit within the dimensions.
  • Will be printed in color - so use PINK, PINK, PINK!!!!
  • Image entry will be converted to a jpg or pdf format for printing
  • Can be a complete digital image, or any art media, or paper crafting etc.  You can use any Scribbles Designs image or a copyright free image or create something of your very own.  And must be WITHOUT a watermark image.  You can scan or photograph your entry, then upload to the linky
  • Entrants names must be clearly stated, linked to their blog posting and provide a means of contact with the entry
If your entry is chosen by The Pink Party planners, your image will appear on all 2014 Pink Party literature, Facebook page and website.
The challenge is open worldwide and will be from June 15, 0700 PST to June 30, 2014, 2100 PST, with the winner chosen on July 1, 2014.  There is the linky tool to enter.
The winner will be notified by email and will be required to provide their complete name and mailing address for the prize to be sent to them.

Need some ideas... here's some of the previous year's invitations...

2011 - Cowgirls Believe In Pink (Country Theme)
2012 - Let the Feathers Fly (PJ Party Theme)
2013 - Release Your Inner Rock Star (Rocker Theme)

Ready to join us???

Enter your Pink Party Challenge here!!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Say It With A Sentiment Scribbles Designs Challenge #18

Scribbles Designs Challenge #18
Say it with a Sentiment...

Words truly can convey much in the way of expressing what is on our mind and in our hearts.  This month, instead of making an image the focal point of your project, we want you to use a sentiment.  With so many beautifully scripted sentiments out there, we are sure you will find just the right words to convey, what it is you truly want to say.

And we thank you for spending some time here on our spot in blog-land. We're excited to showcase our talented women & their incredible creative work.  We think that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images 
and the creative direction that ensues.  

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar. 

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image click here.
Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

freebie expired

This month's sponsors...
Top Scribbler receives 3 digital images,winners choice 
Top 3 receives 1 digi image

Donating: 7 digital images, winners choice

Let's get your creative juices flowing with our awesome talented Design Team...

using Brighten Day


using Brighten Day


using All Hearts Come Home and one of the 
two sentiments available in Seasons Greetings


using Warm Hearted & Wishes from Words 2

using With Sympathy and Frame 1



Enter Say it with a Sentiment SD Challenge #18 here...

Friday, June 13, 2014

Freebie Friday: Awareness Ribbon

At one point or another all of us will have been effected by Cancer. Whether it's ourselves that are effect, or maybe a family member or even a friend! and we can all do our part to help combat this life changing illness. By supporting those around you by donating to great causes that are trying to get to the bottom of what causes it and how to treat if if you were to ever get it. This week Freebie Friday though simple projects the very thought that I have about Cancer. Here's the image.

I don't know about your but having family and friends that have gone through this makes you more determined to help is any way you can. I often sell of my card's at my work and donate the 100% of the money made to a charity. And that that is my good karma that I bring into the world. Now here is my card.

We can beat it! It's just going to take a bit of time and effort! I hope that you have a amazing weekend and that you get chance to have a play along with the Pink Party that we are having on the blog. I hope to see some of you using this to play along! 

Have a great weekend! 


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Freebie Friday: Cupcake

Hello! I'm a day late on this freebie - whoopsie!  I hope that you have had a fantastic week and I have a fab image to share with you this week. I love sweets most times and also love mini cupcakes!  We have a cutie image for you this week - cupcake!

Don't you love this image? The image lent itself to many ideas and I ended up repeating the image over and over for the background... added a simple sentiment. The images are colored with tombos and twinkling H20s - making them quite yummy...

I hope that you have a fab weekend and I will catch you next week.

(the other one!)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Let Them Eat Cake Challenge #17 at Scribbles Designs

Scribbles Designs Challenge #17
Let Them Eat Cake!

This month we have a double challenge for you.  Not only do we want you to use food or food related items (i.e. cups, teapots, etc.), BUT we also want you to follow this wonderful palette from Design Seeds when creating your project.  So, stir up your appetite and serve us up some tasty treats.

frosted hues

And we thank you for spending some time here on our spot in blog-land. We're excited to showcase our talented women & their incredible creative work.  We think that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images 
and the creative direction that ensues.  

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar. 

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image click here.
Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

freebie expired

This month's sponsors...
Top Scribbler receives 3 digital images,winners choice 
Top 3 receives 1 digi image

Donating: 7 digital images, winners choice

Let's get your creative juices flowing with our awesome talented Design Team...
using Bbq apron


using Birthday Cake Slice


using Sundae



Enter Let Them Eat Cake! SD Challenge #17 here...

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