We start out with Brrr getting ready to brave the cold and do some work outside. He is wearing the scarf that Brrrnice crocheted for him last Christmas and the earmuffs that baby Brrr gave to him. He looks rather dashing in them doesn't he?
Brrr and the family take things rather serious at Christmas time and this year they decided to put a great big piece of subway art out in the yard for all passing by to see. The way their home is set up, they were easily able to affix it to a post out front. This should remind everyone passing by to pause and reflect for a moment, on the awe of the holidays.
Brrr also put some holly bows up all over the place, just to give the yard a bit more of a festive look.
While Brrr was busy getting his own yard ready for the holidays, his neighbour across the street was busy getting his truck loaded with lots of presents and a tree for the children's ward of the local Hospital. Brrr and the family live in a town where giving to those in need or those experiencing unfortunate circumstances, is very important. Children having to be in the hospital over the holidays is rather sad and the community wanted to help them feel a little bit better. The collection they gathered was pretty impressive and Brrr's neighbour was charged with getting it all over to the hospital later today. Brrrnice thought that I'd like to see how much was collected and so she took a picture just before their neighbour took off on his delivery.
Next up it was time for Brrr to head back indoors and put up the Christmas lights. After removing his outdoor gear, he decided to don his Santa hat to help him get into the spirit even more. Now contrary to popular belief, penguins aren't all that great with electrical equipment. Even though Brrr now has a degree in Refrigeration and Cooling, that hasn't helped him with the lighting situation. Brrr seems to have gotten himself into rather the tangle and of course Brrrnice couldn't resist taking a snapshot of him this way.
Brrr finally did manage to get himself untangled and get those Christmas lights up. He provided lots of laughter for the entire family much to his own chagrin.
It was a long day for Brrr and he had to have the patience of an angel to get through it all. In fact, with just the right lighting, and if you squint a certain way, you can actually glimpse a set of wings and a halo!
Once again, Brrnice offered up the images to her good friend Sandy to turn into digital designs, just so that all of you can have a chance to own one of these sweet pics yourself. If you click on each of the images above, they will take you to their locations in the store, except of course for the holly bow which is currently still a freebie.
So many digitals, so many possibilities!
Even though time is drawing close, this gives you some more ideas for all those last minute holiday cards that Psst...interested in a new freebie? Well, come and check out the new challenge, Shades of White, and you can find the sweetest little acorn up for grabs. If you do, know that we'd love to see what you do with it by entering our latest challenge. Remember, you have until 9:00 p.m. PST on January 14th to enter the current challenge, so that gives you lots of time to get your creation ready. You can find out all the details you need for participating and for grabbing the acorn freebie, by clicking HERE.
If you are not yet a follower, now is the perfect time to become one. This way you won't miss out on learning about all the wonderful new images being added to the store, or missing out on the latest antics and adventures of your favourites characters!
Well guys, that is it for this one and since there is just a week until Christmas I probably won't be back on the Scribbles Designs Challenge blog until January. I wish each and every one of you a safe and happy holiday filled with all things wonderful!!!
See you in the new year!

Love these ones, especially the word art and Brrr with earmuffs!
ReplyDeleteOh I love reading this weeks character story time. Brrr has really been busy... I love tge picture of hin wrapped up in lights and with his wings. So glad to hear that the community got together to make the children smile, during their stay at the hospital. Thank you for keepibg us updated on Brrr and Brrrnice. I know that they will be blessed greatly this holiday season.