Challenge Info...

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Winners!!! Birthday Event #4: Word Search

Hello folks!  It is time to announce the winners from Event #4 of our Birthday Celebration. I know it has been a while, so if you would like to refresh yourself on the details of our Letter Hunt, please click HERE to check them out.

For this particular event, we had a word search for you to complete where you had to find 20 vocabulary words that one might correlate with penguins. Given the nature of difficulty for this particular puzzle, we offered up a a few different levels of prizes.

Here are the actual words that we were looking for in this word search:
  • leap
  • bird
  • dive
  • icicles
  • feathers
  • white
  • snowbank
  • water
  • krill
  • march
  • hatch
  • fish
  • chick
  • swimming
  • herring
  • honk
  • Antarctic
  • frozen
  • oceangoing
  • waddle
There were a couple that tripped people up. The first was 'snowbank'. Several people just put 'snow'. The second one that caused some problems was 'oceangoing'. Same issue with several people just including the first part of the word 'ocean'.

Funny enough, some of you found the word 'ice' which wasn't even in the list though 'icicles' was.  Another extra word a couple of you found was 'raw'. Others found even more unrelated words!

In cases where the word had an 's' at the end and someone forgot it, or there wasn't supposed to be an 's' and you included one, I allowed those minor mistakes to pass.

So, on that note here is how it worked out. We had a total of eight people participate:
  • one person got all 20 words correct
  • one person got 19 words correct
  • two people got 18 words correct
  • one person got 17 words correct
  • two people got 16 words correct
  • one person got 14 words correct

The original prizes listed were broken down into different tiers so that people who didn't do as well would still have the opportunity to win something. The problem was that I didn't account for only one person getting the words correct in any of the four prize categories. I'll have to think it through better next time. So, I hope there isn't a mutiny but I'm going to do the prizes a little bit different. This simply makes it fairer odds for all the players.

First, the names of those people who submitted between 19 and 20 correct WORDS were put into a draw to win ONE of the following:

Congratulations to...
(winner chosen randomly from all correctly submitted responses by Mini Web Tool)

Ike… Please send a message to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca, (don't forget to replace 'at' and 'dot' with the appropriate symbols) with the subject heading, "SD BD Event #4 Top Prize Winner", and let me know which option you would like as your prize--A, B OR C--and I will get your choice out to you as soon as I can.

Next, the names of those people who submitted between 17 and 18 correct words were put into a draw to win:
  • $9 worth of images from the Penguin section in the store.

Congratulations to...
(winner chosen randomly from all correctly submitted responses by Mini Web Tool)

Mandy… Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $9 value of digital images (digital papers are not included). Then, please send a message to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca, (don't forget to replace 'at' and 'dot' with the appropriate symbols) with the subject heading, "SD BD Event #4 $9 Prize Winner", and I will get your choices out to you as soon as I can.

Originally, the third prize was for those getting between 10 and 14 words correct and it was for $6 worth of images. However, I didn't think it fair to just go with $6 when those who got between 15 and 19 should have originally had the opportunity to win $9 worth of images. So, for this final prize I'm sticking with $9. 

Therefore, the names of those people who submitted between 14 and 16 correct words were put into a draw to win:
  • $9 worth of images from the Penguin section in the store.
Congratulations to...
Denise B.
(winner chosen randomly from all correctly submitted responses by Mini Web Tool)

Denise… Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $9 value of digital images (digital papers are not included). Then, please send a message to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca, (don't forget to replace 'at' and 'dot' with the appropriate symbols) with the subject heading, "SD BD Event #4 $9 Prize Winner", and I will get your choices out to you as soon as I can.

 Well, that is it for this one. I'll do my best to post the winner announcement for Birthday Event #5 as soon as I am able to get it ready. Take of yourselves!

Until next time,

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Monthly Scribblers Showcase for May


Hey folks. It is that time of month where we showcase the projects that our inspiration team has created, along with any extra creations our full time team members or guests may have had the chance to create during the past four weeks.

This time around, Janice, Diane Louise and Carol from our inspiration team are here to share projects with us. Additionally, full time DT Member Pat who is on leave, had some time to create as well so she will be joining us as well. Take a look at what these ladies have been up to...

Have you been inspired to create?!
Don't forget to share your own Scribbles Designs creations with us
by linking them up in our Customer Gallery for your chance to win images.
You can find the page at the top of the blog or by clicking HERE.

If you enjoyed any of these projects, our designers would love a visit.
You can find each of their personal blogs by clicking on their respective header.

If you are interested in purchasing any of the images featured in today's post,
click on the names to find them in the store.

Well, that is it for this Extra Inspiration post. I'm doing my best to get
another winner announcement posted before the end of the month.
Then, please join us again on June 1st for the midway of our current challenge with the theme, Brads, Buttons & Bows. Click HERE to find out all the details!

Happy crafting until we meet again!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Challenge #89: Brads, Buttons or Bows

Challenge #89
Brads, Buttons
or Bows

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Scribbles Designs Challenge blog. We hope that you are all staying healthy and sane during these continued difficult times.

Whether you are new or one of our regulars, we are so thankful that you are here with us on our little spot in blogland. It is the 15th of the month and that means it is time for our next challenge to get started! Our theme this month is Brads, Buttons or Bows and here is what you need to know to join us...

*Design a project that features BRADS, BUTTONS or BOWS or a combination of all three.*

Our incredibly talented women are here to share their inspiring creative work featuring projects related to our Brads, Buttons or Bows theme. We hope that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images and the creative direction that ensues. 

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar.

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image, please click HERE.

Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating…

 #F 175 Buttons (Free)

Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

You can also find this image in the store,
along with the png version, by clicking HERE.

This month's prizes...

  • Top Scribbler (chosen randomly) receives $10 worth of digital images
  • Top 3 (chosen by Design Team) receives $3 worth of digital images
  • Standout Scribbler (chosen by Design Team) receives $5 worth of digital images. To qualify for this category, participant must use a Scribblers Designs image on their project.

This challenge will end on June 14th at 8:59 p.m. Pacific Time. The list of winners will be published in a separate post. Winners will get to choose their images from those in the store. Be sure to check for the winner announcement if you have entered this challenge.

Right now, it is time to get your creative juices flowing
with our awesome talented Design Team...

using #236 Hedgie Snap Shot, along with papers from Scribble Doodle Designs:
Flower 1 Digi Paper and Flower 7 Digi Paper

 Now it is your turn to get in on the fun!

Enter Scribbles Designs Challenge #89-
Brads, Buttons or Bows

Link Up Below:
Please enter your project using the link up below. Please add SD after your name if you have used a Scribbles Designs image on your project (worth 2 entries PLUS you have the chance as being chosen as our Standout Scribbler). Also, if you'd like to be a GDT during a future quarter, please add GDT after your name. This link up will close at 8:59 p.m. Pacific Time (11:59 p.m. Eastern Time), June 14th, 2020.

This linky list is now closed.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Winners!!! Birthday Event #2: Letter Hunt

Hello folks!  It is time to announce the winners from Event #2 of our Birthday Celebration. If you would like to refresh yourself on the details of our Letter Hunt, please click HERE to check them out.

Over the course of six days you were given the chance to work through clues revealing letters in a word. The names of those people who submitted a correct response were put into a draw to win ONE of the following:

The correct word was...

Congratulations to...
(winner chosen randomly from all correctly submitted responses by Mini Web Tool)

Debi… Please send a message to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca, (don't forget to replace 'at' and 'dot' with the appropriate symbols) with the subject heading, "SD BD Event #2 Winner", and let me know which option you would like as your prize--A, B OR C--and I will get your choice out to you as soon as I can.

Additionally, everyone who participated by submitting a guess AND leaving a comment on every single blog participating in the Letter Hunt (total of six comments), will receive #206 Valentine Brrr-loon.

Congratulations to...


Jeni Mc

Suzanne H


Lori M

KT Fit Kitty

If your name is listed in the chart above… Please send a message to decossesdynamitedoodles {at} yahoo {dot} ca, (don't forget to replace 'at' and 'dot' with the appropriate symbols) with the subject heading, "SD BD#2 Win: #206 Valentine Brrr-loon", and I will sent out the image to you as soon as I can.

 Well, that is it for this one. I'll do my best to post the winner announcement for Birthday Event #4 as soon as I am able to get it ready (in case you're wondering why I skipped from #2 to #4, event #3 was a flash freebie).

Until next time,

Challenge #88 Midway: B is for BIRDS or BUNNIES

Challenge #88

Hello and welcome to the midway point of our current challenge. Here is a refresher of what we're looking for this time around:

*Create a project that has any type of BIRD or BUNNY 
image as the focus of your design.*

There are still two weeks left in the challenge and we hope that you will be able to join us here on our spot in blog-land. We have had 13 great entries so far these past two weeks but we'd love to see some more!

Our incredibly talented women are back to showcase their amazing creative work featuring projects related to our B is for BIRDS or BUNNIES theme. We hope that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images and the creative direction that ensues. 

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar.

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image, please click HERE.

Sandy works in an essential job and as such she has been rather busy given the current situation in our world. While she didn't have the opportunity to create a new freebie, she is happy to provide you with a limited time freebie for participating...

 #035 Fab Friend Quote
This freebie has been returned to the vault since this challenge has ended.
You can find it in the store by clicking HERE.

This month's prizes...

  • Top Scribbler (chosen randomly) receives $10 worth of digital images
  • Top 3 (chosen by Design Team) receives $3 worth of digital images
  • Standout Scribbler (chosen by Design Team) receives $5 worth of digital images. To qualify for this category, participant must use a Scribblers Designs image on their project.

This challenge will end on May 14th at 8:59 p.m. Pacific Time. The list of winners will be published in a separate post. Winners will get to choose their images from those in the store. Be sure to check for the winner announcement if you have entered this challenge.

Right now, it is time to get your creative juices flowing
with our awesome talented Design Team...

using #520 Piper
along with two Scribble Doodle Designs Digi Papers:
Polka Dot Paper and Hugs Paper

 Now it is YOUR turn!
Find the link at the bottom of the start post. 
Click HERE to head there now...

We can't wait to see what you come up with!

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