Challenge #49
Birthday Bonanza
Thank you to all those who entered
the last challenge!!
Hello there! Thank you so much for joining us during our special 4th Birthday Celebration this past month. We had 20 people link up and several join in the blog hop! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
We have several prizes to give out so let's get things started shall we?!
First things first, we are going to take care of our special prizes. One random commenter chosen on each blog hop post will receive a copy of one of the images or sentiments used on the DT or GDT member's card.
The winners are as follows...
From Diane Louise's blog:
who has won a copy of:

who has won a copy of:

who has won a copy of:
From GDT Bernie blog:
who has won a copy of:
#0136 Happy Birthday

From Pat's blog:
who has won a copy of:

From Lisa's blog:
Peggie Sue
who has won a copy of:

Congratulations to the winner's of all these fun images!
To claim your prize, please send a message to Lisa at decossesdynamitedoodles [at] yahoo [dot] ca (don't forget to replace 'at' and 'dot' with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD BH Image Winner". Be sure to let me know your name and the image that you have won.
Next up, it is time to learn who won a copy of our special birthday themed prize package. Three lucky winners will receive the following set of images:
In order to be eligible to win this special prize package, participants were asked to comment on every blog hop stop, including the original start post PLUS enter a card into the Birthday Bonanza challenge. As there were only three people who actually left comments on ALL the stops of the hop AND also entered a card into the challenge, it was a slam dunk as to who was eligible to receive this prize.
Congrats to...
Edwina, Ike and Donna R.
To claim your prize, please send a message to Lisa at decossesdynamitedoodles [at] yahoo [dot] ca (don't forget to replace 'at' and 'dot' with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Birthday Bonanza Special Prize Package Winner".
Our final special prize is a doozy. Sandy, the owner and designer behind Scribbles Designs, offered up one more unique prize, this exquisite Tangle Jewellery piece worth $30.00 USD...
In order to be eligible to win, participants were asked to comment on every blog hop stop, including the start post PLUS enter a card into the Birthday Bonanza challenge using a Scribbles Designs image. The three individuals who left comments and also entered a card into the challenge, also used Scribbles Designs images, making each of them eligible to receive this awesome gift. However, there can only be one lucky winner so...
Congrats to...
(chosen by
Ike, to claim your prize, simply add a note to your other message, reminding me
that you are also the winner of this incredible necklace.
Ike, to claim your prize, simply add a note to your other message, reminding me
that you are also the winner of this incredible necklace.
Thank to everyone who participated in this special celebration with us!
Now it is time to get on with the announcement
of our regular winners and top placements.
of our regular winners and top placements.
Once again, the Design Team had fun choosing their favourites!
Here we go!

Hazel... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $10 value of digital images (digital papers are not included)

Tip Top, Ike & Hazel have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $3 value of digital images (digital papers are not included)
(honourable mention--a project or card that is uniquely creative)

Alpna... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize... Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $3 value of digital images (digital papers are not included)
Don't forget to add to your Scribbles Designs collection each month
by collecting the freebie offered up during each challenge and during our
special Flash Freebie events.
by collecting the freebie offered up during each challenge and during our
special Flash Freebie events.
Speaking of challenges, we'd love to have you join in our current challenge...
Stay tuned for the Midway coming tomorrow!
Happy Crafting Until Next Time!!!