Challenge Info...

Friday, September 30, 2016

Freebie Friday: Mosquito

Hello to all our Freebie Fridayer Fans!

While the mosquitos may be gone until next year (at least in Ontario), it is always time for a good pun which you can easily achieve with this image! So, check out this cutie. Now if only they were this cute in real life! Check it out...

#F 126 Mosquito


 Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

This image can also be found in the store by clicking HERE.

I did design a card using today's freebie but I'm keeping it for tomorrow's midway post of the Woodland Creatures challenge. Be sure to check back in again then to see it along with samples from the remaining members of the DT.

Until then,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & GDT Coordinator)

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Guest Scribblers Spotlight #2 for September

Hey folks!  It is the fourth Saturday of September and that means it is time for the final Guest Scribblers Spotlight for this third quarter of the year. Next month we will hopefully have some brand new guests coming on to inspire you.

First though, Borqna and Donna, our Guest Scribblers for the third quarter of 2016, are back one last time to share their creations with you. Check them out...

Borqna created two fun cards meant to symbolize her life Before and After...

  Borqna created this clever 'before' card using...
 #402 Catman

and also...
#714 Foxy Peek-a-Boo


For Borqna's fun 'after' card she has used the following images and sentiment...

She has also used #714 Foxy Peek-a-Boo as shown with her first card and also
the #F 50 Leaves offered up as a Freebie Friday which can be found HERE.

Donna has created two fun Hallowe'en cards for you today...

For her first pun card, she has used...

#8106 Coffin Break

For Donna's second card, she has used...

 Tomb it May Concern
#8105 Tomb it May Concern

It has been so wonderful having Borqna and Donna as our Guest Scribbles these past three months. 
Be sure to click on their respective headers to find more fabby creations from each of them!

If you are interested in purchasing any of the images featured in today's post,
click on the watermarks to find them in the store.

Would you like to become a future Guest Scribbler?  
If so, leave your name and blog address so we have a way to find you!

That is it for this Guest Scribbler Spotlight. Please join us on October 8th when we will hopefully be back with some new Guest Designers. I hope that we will see you again at that time! 

Happy crafting until we meet again!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Freebie Friday: Leaves Digi Paper

Hello and happy Friday to all our Freebie Fans!

Yesterday it officially became Fall here in the northern hemisphere and to celebrate this beautiful and colourful season's arrival, I have made you a digi paper using a trio of leaves that Sandy offered up as a freebie back in October of 2014. I'm including the original freebie here in this post as well, just in case you are new to the blog and don't have it.

 #F 50 Leaves (Free)



 Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

The leaves can also be found in the store HERE.

Here is a preview of the paper...

Another creation under the Scribble Doodle Designs label! I coloured each of the leaves and then saved them separately so that I could space them out evenly throughout the paper. This free paper is six inches by six inches (1800 pixels x 1800 pixels)--the perfect size for card making!  It is in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include:  HG Designs; Stachoo Scraps and of course, Scribbles Designs. To grab today's offering, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the creation, the preview sheet, the full credit information and the Scribble Doodle Designs terms of use which are standard to all of our folders.

Well that is it for this one! I hope that you enjoy today's offering.

Please join us tomorrow for our final Guest Designers Showcase for the third quarter. Then, be sure to pop by again next Friday for another Freebie here at Scribbles!

Until then,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & DT Coordinator)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Winners!!! Scribbles Designs #44 - Mason Jars

Challenge #43
Mason Jars 

Thank you to all who entered the
Mason Jars challenge!! 

We are so glad that you could join us during the last challenge! While we only had five entries, they were all fabulous and we really enjoyed checking out the creativity that went into designing them. Two of the participants even used the Scribbles Designs Mason Jar! It is always great to see entries with Sandy's images. Don't forget, if you enter using a Scribbles Designs image, you receive 2 entries per project and there are no limit to how many you can enter.

As always, the Design Team had fun choosing their favourites!

Here we go!
Top Scribbler

Sandy J.- you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $10 value of digital images (digital papers are not included)  


And onto our Top 3 chosen by our fabulous Scribbles Design Team....

Marji, Edwina & Sandy J.... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $3 value of digital images (digital papers are not included) 


And the Gold Star Honorable Mention... 
(a project or card that is uniquely creative)

Edwina ... you have one week to contact us at to claim your prize...Please go to the Scribbles Designs store and choose up to a $3 value of digital images (digital papers are not included)


Don't forget to add to your Scribbles Designs collection each month
by collecting freebies--one offered up each Friday and during each challenge.

Speaking of challenges, we'd love to have you join in our current challenge...

Congratulations to all of our winners!
Have an awesome day everyone and we'll see you again soon!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Freebie Friday: Beach Ball

Good day to all our Freebie Fridayer Fans!

Here at Scribbles we've been kicking and screaming, trying to hold on to that last bit of summer and today is no exception. Anyone up for a game of beach ball?  If you are then this week's freebie is perfect for you. Check it out...

#F 127 Beach Ball


 Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

This image can also be found in the store HERE.

To help inspire you, I've created a pun birthday card...


I'm a sucker for puns and Sandy's images are just too easy to have pun with.

If you'd like to check out the remaining details for my creation, I'd love for you to come and visit me on my personal blog. You can find my project posted HERE.

Well that is it for this one!  I'll see you all again next Friday with the next Freebie Friday!!

Until next time,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & GDT Coordinator)

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Scribbles Designs Challenge #45 - Woodland Creatures

Scribbles Designs
Challenge #45
Woodland Creatures

In the beautiful woodlands that surround us, you can find many interesting creatures if you are patient and look hard enough.  Close observation reveals an entire world rife with activity and life.   Many choose to remain hidden but life abounds all the same!  Mice, chipmunks, rabbits, hedgehogs, skunks, foxes, deer, squirrels, owls, and moose are but to name a few!  This challenge we'd like to see a project featuring one of the common creatures or more that live in the wooded areas that surround you.  Our woodlands are filled with many fascinating creatures, which one will you choose!

And we thank you for spending some time here on our spot in blog-land. We're excited to showcase our talented women & their incredible creative work.  We think that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images and the creative direction that ensues.  

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the sidebar. 

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image click here.

Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

This month's prizes...
Top Scribbler receives $10 worth of digital images, winner's choice 
Top 3 receives $3 worth of digital images

Let's get your creative juices flowing with inspiration from
our awesome talented Design Team...

The inside of the card...

using #503 Duck



Now it is your turn to get in on the fun!

Enter Scribbles Designs Challenge #45 - Woodland Creatures below...

Challenge #45 - Woodland Creatures

Please link up your creations featuring the theme of Woodland Creatures. Challenge ends on October 14th, 8:55 p.m. PDT. If you'd like to be a Guest during an upcoming quarter, please add GDT after your name.

Have fun everyone!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Guest Scribblers Spotlight #1 for September

A big hello to all our friends out there in blogland!  It is the second Saturday of September and that means it is time for our next Guest Scribblers Spotlight!  There are just two more Showcases left in this third quarter of the year and then hopefully we will have some brand new guests joining us in October.

Right now though, it is time to showcase some more lovely designs from our current wonderful guests, Donna and Borqna!

Donna has two cards to share with you all today...

For this fun winter birthday themed card she has used...

#202 Brrr

For Donna's second card, she has used...

#827 Woodland Santa

Borqna created this fun and colourful card using...
#A 62 Be You Believe Yourself

Borqna also used a freebie as her primary image.
You can find the #F 118 Honey Pot freebie in the store HERE.


Have  Donna and Borqna provided you with the inspiration you need to get designing something special using Scribbles Designs? Well, if they have, we'd love to see what you create!

Be sure to pop over and say 'hi' to these talented ladies.
You can find each of them by clicking on their respective headers.

If you are interested in purchasing any of the images featured in today's post,
click on the watermarks to find them in the store.

 Would you like to become a future Guest Scribbler?  
If so, leave your name and blog address so we have a way to find you!

That is it for this Guest Scribbler Spotlight. Please join us again on September 24th when we will be back with the final one for this quarter. Happy crafting until we meet again!

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