
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Welcome to Day ELEVEN of our Raise the Hoof Christmas Celebration!

Hello and welcome to the eleventh day of our Raise the Hoof Christmas Event! After today, there is just one more day to go!

From December 1st to December 12th you'll be given a task to do, related to those often under-appreciated Christmas heroes—Santa's Reindeer! Complete the task of the day and have a chance to win a special prize. If you missed the first day's task, please click HERE to participate. For Day Two, click HERE; for Day Three, click HERE; for Day Four, click HERE; for Day Five, click HERE;  for Day Six, click HERE; for Day Seven, click HERE; for Day Eight click HERE; for Day Nine, click HERE; and for Day Ten, click HERE.

While the last day of the event is December 12th, don't worry if you're too busy during the first half of December to participate as you will have until January 4th, 2019 to complete all the tasks.

Today, we continue our Raise the Hoof event with...

Santa Reindeer
Check out this wonderful new image that Sandy has created
especially for our Christmas Celebration.
 You can find #8124 Santa Reindeer in the store HERE.

Check out the great creation made with today's image from a member of our Design Team!

Complete today's task for a chance to win this image!

Day Eleven Task:
  • Please leave us a comment with the answer to today's question:
    • Name the title of ONE Christmas carol that features reindeer in general or any specific reindeer? 
  • Clue: Today's clue might require a bit of an Internet search unless you are pretty familiar with your Christmas carols.

The names of those people who submit responses completing today's task will be put into a draw for today's image. One random winner will be chosen to receive a copy of today's featured image. Draw will be held on Jan 5th and the winner announcement for the entire celebration will be posted shortly thereafter. Please note that comments will not be published until after the event is over in order to keep everyone's answers private.

Well folks that is it for today's task. Be sure to join us again tomorrow to find out which images will be featured next in our Raise the Hoof Christmas Event and what the final task will be!


Be sure to join us each day for your chance to win!


  1. Well, the first one that comes to mind is "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" that actually names all the reindeer if you really start from the beginning of the song. But I also found "The Reindeer Dance" and "Reindeer Shuffle" that I'd never heard of.

  2. LOVE this image and Helen's card!
    It's sure to be the beginning of many MAGICAL cardmaking adventures :)

    I haven't had a Google, thought that "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer" might be the perfect song for the question of the day, sure hope it's right!

  3. Rudolph the red nose reindeer.. Love the purple background of this card.

  4. Rudolph the red nosed Reindeer. Up on the housetop. Edwina Brown


Thanks so much for stopping by. We'd love to hear what you think!

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