
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

 Not A Creature Was Stirring…Day 5

 Hello folks! By the end of today, our Not A Creature Was Stirring Christmas Celebration officially comes to an end. Over the course of the last five days, I have popped by to showcase creations from our Design Team. 
If you haven't yet had the opportunity to participate in our Celebration you can find the first post with the challenge link up by clicking HERE to check it out. To see Helen's project and the image available to be won from Day One of our event, click HERE. To see Suze's project and the image available to be won from Day Two, click HERE. To see Nick's project and the image available to be won from Day Three, click HERE. To see Diane Louise's project and the image available to be won from Day Four, click HERE.

During our event this year, we are paying homage to the many furry and feathered friends associated with the holiday season . As such, each team member's creation will feature one of Sandy's beloved animal or bird images. Janice is is here today to continue our Celebration with this sweet card...

Janice has used #228 Twinkle Brrr for her card.


Complete today's task for a chance to win this image!

Today's Task:
  • Please leave us a comment letting us know the following:
    • Sandy has quite a number of images with animals and birds. Her most famous ones are Brrr (a penguin), Woolley (a sheep) and Carl (a frog) in their various iterations; but, there happen to be many, many more in the store--cats, dogs, bears, bunnies, birds, etc. For our final question, we want to know, which of Sandy's images that features an animal or bird happens to be YOUR FAVOURITE? If you need a refresher, you can check them out in the store HERE. To narrow your search, click on the various animal and bird related categories in the sidebar.
The names of those people who submit responses completing today's task will be put into a draw for the image shown above. One random winner will be chosen to receive a copy of today's featured image. Draw will be held on Jan 14th and the winner announcement for the entire celebration will be posted soon thereafter [okay, as soon as I can manage it].

While our Not A Creature Was Stirring Christmas Celebration has come to an end, don't forget that you still have until January 14th, 2023, to complete all the tasks and link up to the associated challenge.

Well that is it for today! To give myself and the team a bit of a break there will be no midway post for the current challenge. I will try and pop by the first week or so of January to post a simple reminder. Additionally, since our Inspiration team participated during our Christmas event, there will be no monthly Inspiration post. Instead, we will return on January 15th with our first challenge of the new year [as long as everything goes according to plan]; though, I may be back before the end of the year with a special post that you won't want to miss…hint, hint. See you again soon!


  1. Great card Janice , My favourite character is Brrr and I like Brrr clock . I deal for any occasion.
    I would like to wish everyone Happy Christmas and thanks for rhis set of challenges even when you are all so busy Jx

  2. I already have Twinkle Brrr in my collection so please don't count me in this draw. Janice's card is adorable! Love the little Christmas lights she added for embellishment! Nice touch! As for today's question, I bet you think I am going to choose a cat, but you'd be wrong. My favourite is Foxy and I also love Foxy 2. Best wishes to all, and thank you for this fun holiday celebration!

  3. I LOVE Brrr (a penguin)!!!!!!!!!!! He is adorable!!!

  4. I think this is a very hard choice. I have quite a few Brrs in my collection but not this one. I'm going to use Kitty Face on my card that I still have to make :) Thanks so much for hosting this challenge and getting to know everyone!

  5. I like Wooly, closely followed by Brrr!

    1. Me again! (Sorry... I need to check before I click Publish!)

  6. My favourite is #243 Snow Kisses. I love Brrr and snowmen and this is a lovely combination of them both.


Thanks so much for stopping by. We'd love to hear what you think!

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