
Friday, December 16, 2022

 Not A Creature Was Stirring…Day 1

Hello folks!  Welcome to Day One of our Not A Creature Was Stirring Christmas Celebration! If you missed yesterday's post with the challenge link up, please click HERE to check it out.
Celebrated around the world, Christmas time means different things to different cultures. Yet, beneath all of our various differences, there happens to be a universal need at this time of year to share and recognize the most extraordinary things that we have in our lives with others: family, faith, children, love, etc. This can also include our love for animals.
Animals are a meaningful part of Christmas symbolism. Throughout time, animals have been featured in Christmas tales. Whether Biblically, mythologically, historically, or in present day adaptations—there are a variety of animals we relate to as symbols during this incredible time of year. With the holiday season here, we find these creatures appearing on television or in the movies, on holiday cards and on wrapping paper, in various decorations, and in some cases, a few families may find them under the tree on Christmas morn. 
Thus, December is a time to pay homage to the many furry and feathered friends associated with the season: reindeer, penguins, polar bears, camels, donkeys, oxen, sheep, kangaroos, dogs, mice, partridges, turtle doves, hens, robins, etc. However, it doesn't stop there. While these are the animals that are traditionally related with this time of year, there are a whole host of other animals that can be treasured as well. St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology and of animals, said that we should not forget animal on Christmas, and that they should be given rest and good food. Keeping all of this in mind during our celebrations and observances during this special time of year, let's remember and appreciate the animals all around us.
Ayres, Matt. (2019). The 12 creatures of Christmas. [Online]. Animal Logic. Last Updated: 2019. Available at: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
Hall, Heather. (2021). The 12 Animals of Christmas From Around the World. [Online]. AZ Animals. Last Updated: 22 September 2022. Available at: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
Skinner, Penny. (2021). 10+ Popular Christmas Animals (History, Myths, and Biblical Origins). [Online]. Holidappy. Last Updated: 19 September 2022. Available at: [Accessed 13 December 2022].
That is what we are doing here on Scribbles Designs for our annual Christmas Event this year. Over the next several days I will be sharing cards made by our design team, all featuring an animal or bird. Each day we post a DT project, you'll have the opportunity to win the image that day's particular designer used by completing the task outlined in the post. Helen is here to kick off our Celebration with this cute card...

Helen has used #441 Santa Puppy Hat for her card.


Complete today's task for a chance to win this image!

Today's Task:
  • Please leave us a comment letting us know the following:
    • Did you ever have any PETS when you were growing up (ages 0 to 18 accepted)? If you didn't have a pet, was there any reason why not? If you did have a pet (or pets) as a child, be sure to let us know what kind of animal it was and its name as well (and anything else you might like to share about your beloved furry friend).
The names of those people who submit responses completing today's task will be put into a draw for the image shown above. One random winner will be chosen to receive a copy of today's featured image. Draw will be held on Jan 14th and the winner announcement for the entire celebration will be posted soon thereafter [okay, as soon as I can manage it].

Well folks that is it for today's task. Be sure to join us again tomorrow to find out what project Suze created and to see the image you could win for participating!

Don't Forget...

Each day we feature a DT project, you will have the opportunity to complete a simple task in order to to win one of the images featured. Be sure to join us each day until December 20th to see what we have in store for you! While the last day of the event is December 20th, don't worry if you're too busy during this most festive time of year, you will have until January 14th, 2023, to complete all the tasks.



  1. I had a Budgerigar called Charlie . He was blue and lived to a good age . He liked nothing better than being let out of the cage and landing on people's heads and shoulder where he would stay for ages .He would chatter away but no words could be understood . No fur I am afraid but plenty of feathers , Jx

  2. Great colouring of that lovely dog. We used to have a cat when I was young (very long time ago). His name was Blacky (I think you understand why). When I was doing my schoolwork he was always in my neigbourhood. When he passed away, it was a great loss to me.
    xxx Margreet

  3. Helen's card is adorable! What a precious puppy image! We had cats when I was young, but then my younger brother developed asthma and an allergy to cats so when our kitty got hit by a car, that was our last cat. Her name was Key. My baby brothers at the time could not say kitty (they said "key") so the name stuck. I would have been about 7 or 8 at this time and then I didn't have any more pets until I was in my 20s, when I adopted my first cat Muffin. He was my beloved furry friend for 18 years and I still miss him even now.

  4. I had a chicken, her name was Lisa. I loved her a lot, she loved hugs and she was very clever. I remember her watching tv with my father!

    1. Mia! This is so wonderful. I don't know much about chickens but Lisa sounds like a wonderful pet!

    2. Oh yes, she was wonderful. She was walking into the house all day. My mother was talking to her: "I do not want you here, I am cooking. Go to my husband". And she was going to my father. He was always on tv. So, they both were sitting to watch tv! So funny! But I still believe that Lisa was clever and she could understand the greek language! Ha ha!

  5. Helen's card is adorable! We had a basset hound named Casey growing up. We received him as a surprise for Christmas. He came in a red box that was left on our porch. I was 5 or 6 my older siblings were in on the surprise but my brother Joe and I really thought Santa delivered him.

  6. That pup digi is already on my wish list, so I just have to post a comment (Plus Helen's card is delightful!) I grew up in a family with six children, and usually at least 2 pets at all times. We always had a cat and dog, but usually had other pets including parakeets, hamsters, a snake (not my favorite), a salamander, hermit crabs, and fish (which I consider to be more of a chore than a pet!)

  7. Helen's card is lovely. I love the little doggy. I had a black mongrel called Butch. He was a rescue dog Mum had taken in and had been so badly kicked on his back end by his owners that the vet said his genitals were on the inside. This dog chose me as his person and I loved him so much. Years later we were going to the seaside and picked Grandad up on the way. But was arching his back and yelping in pain when we were at his flat but seemed better when we were in the car. He sat by my feet as always and imagine my surprise when 'he' started giving birth to puppies. It turned out that my sister had walked him at the park and one day a dog mated with her. She was such a gentle dog and allowed me to touch the puppies. When we got to the chalet we took a drawer out from a big chest, lined it with towels and all the puppies went in there. Unfortunately one died but all the rest of the litter were fine. Butch then became 'Butchie'. We became homeless at one point and had to give the dog away which completely broke my heart. I will never forget the special bond we had.


Thanks so much for stopping by. We'd love to hear what you think!

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