
Saturday, January 25, 2020

Birthday Event #3: Flash Freebie

Hello folks!  We are 10 days in to our birthday celebration and I thought it would be a good time to pop in with a flash freebie.

First though, if you haven't had the opportunity to participate in our 7th Birthday Celebration yet, you can find the first post published on Jan. 15th, with further details of our seven years in business, the challenge link up and prize list for that challenge, by clicking HERE to check it out. Then, from Jan. 16th to the 21st, we presented a Letter Hunt for Birthday Event #2, a fun activity to continue the festivities. For details on our Letter Hunt click HERE to start from the beginning. There are some great prizes to be won and while all the letters have now been released, you have until January 31st to participate; so, be sure to check it out as well.

Now it is time for a Flash Freebie! Sandy has created a fun image in honour of our birthday for all of our amazing friends, followers and readers! Since we're tooting our own horn during our month long celebration, it is fitting that you all have a horn to toot as well! Check it out...

 #F 155 Party Horn (Free)


Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

This image can also be found in the store by clicking HERE.

Well, that is it for today! Please be sure to join us again on February 1st when we'll be back with the midway of our current challenge with the theme, "Penguin Power". You can find all the details for participating by clicking HERE.

Don't forget, the celebration isn't over yet. I will continue to pop in every so often throughout the next three weeks with some more surprises planned for our special birthday celebration. So, be sure to visit us every once and awhile until February 14th to ensure that you don't miss any of our birthday related events! Better yet, sign up to receive our posts by email or through Bloglovin' to keep up with all things Scribbles Designs!

Happy crafting until next we meet!


  1. Thanks for the wonderful freebie.

  2. Woot...woot...I love playing along in the fun challenges, thank you Lisa and everyone for a great time and awesome ideas and this new freebie, hugs, Lori m

  3. Thanks so much for the freebie! I love adding to my collection of your designs.

  4. Thank you for the cute freebie! Party time!


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