
Monday, December 16, 2019

Christmas Inspiration Celebration: Favourite Christmas Symbol


Hello folks!  Welcome to Day Two of our Christmas Inspiration Celebration. Over the course of the next 10 days, I will be showcasing creations from our Design Team and will be popping in with a couple extra fun events as well. If you missed the first post with further details of our event, the challenge link up, prize list and sneak peeks of all DT projects, please click HERE to check it out.

Each team member's creation has been inspired by something related to the holiday season. Pat is here to kick off our Christmas Inspiration Celebration with this fun card inspired by her favourite Christmas symbol...

Pat chose Ornaments as her favourite Christmas symbol. Here is her reason:
"I chose ornaments as my favorite Christmas symbol because they turn a plain green fir tree into a magical delight of color. Everyone in my family has their FAVORITE ORNAMENT,and thru the years I have collected so many ornaments that I've had to put up TWO trees - 1 for the living room, and one downstairs where friends and family gather to enjoy the holiday feast."

Pat has used #889 Mason Jar and #F 55 Ornaments for her card.

Complete today's task for a chance to win this image!

#889 Mason Jar
Today's Task:
  • Please leave us a comment letting us know the following:
    • WHAT is your favourite Christmas symbol and WHY? Examples of symbols related to the holiday season include: star, tree, lights, ornament, Santa hat, gingerbread man, etc.
The names of those people who submit responses completing today's task will be put into a draw for the image shown above. One random winner will be chosen to receive a copy of today's featured image. Draw will be held on Jan 5th and the winner announcement for the entire celebration will be posted shortly thereafter.

Well folks that is it for today's task. Be sure to join us again tomorrow to find out what Petra was inspired by for her project and to see the image you could win for participating!

Don't Forget...

Each day we feature a DT project, you will have the opportunity to complete a simple task in order to to win one of the images featured. Be sure to join us each day from December 15th to December 25th to see what we have in store for you! While the last day of the event is December 25th, don't worry if you're too busy during this most festive time of year, you will have until January 5th, 2020, to complete all the tasks.


  1. My favourite symbol at Christmas is holly, as together with Ivy it can be so versatile for wreaths etc . In particular this year is good as there are plenty of red berries on the trees . I wonder how many years people have been using it to decorate their homes ?

  2. This is super cute! I love how you put the ornaments in the jar! Gorgeous green colour combo too! My favourite symbol is anything GINGERBREAD! The cuteness gets me every time! When I was a child, my Mom and Nanny would make gingerbread cookies and hang them on the tree. These fond childhood memories are what inspire me to love all things gingerbread! I recently shared a photo of a Christmas tree from my childrhood on my blog.

  3. Oh...this is a hard favorite thing would have to be the Turtle Doves. They remind me of all things Peaceful. In the times we live today, Peace is a good thing, hugs, Lori m

  4. I thinks this is too cute! My favorite symbol is probably and ornament too. I love to cross stitch and I have a tree filled with cross stitched ornaments. I also give lots of them away.

  5. My favorite Christmas symbol is the Nativity Scene. That's what Christmas is all about.

  6. I love your monochromatic design, Pat! And so festive for this time of year. My favorite holiday symbol is a wreath. I love to display wreaths on my doors especially during the Christmas season. Wreaths are special to me because my MIL often made us wreaths for our doors. Although Mom has been gone for 5 years now we still have her with us through her wreath creations. Thanks for the lovely holiday inspiration!

  7. Favorite Christmas symbol... the treetop angel. I have a special one that belonged to my Mom, so it means a lot to me.

  8. Lights!! I love the way the lights seem to touch the ornaments and give them extra sparkle! It's also a wonderful symbol of how Christ comes into our life with light and life and adds sparkle to us!


Thanks so much for stopping by. We'd love to hear what you think!

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