
Monday, June 12, 2017

A Big Welcome to our Newest Design Team Member!

Hey there folks. I'm pleased to announce that we have a new member joining our team full time. Pippa, from Views from the Craftroom, will be officially joining us for the start of the next challenge. You might recognize her name and work as she was one of our Guest Scribblers during the first quarter of the year. You'll be seeing a project from her starting on Thursday so now is a good time to get to know her a bit better.
Although I cannot draw to save my life I have always loved colouring things in. Years ago, too many to recall now, a friend introduced me to stamping and the rest is history. I am now working on improving my colouring and learning new techniques along the way. I also knit, crochet, cross stitch (when the mood takes me) and love reading. I work part time in a local primary school as a teaching assistant until the end of the Summer Term when I am set to retire due to deterioration of a congenital heart problem. I am married to Tim, who retired from the ministry last September; we have two grown up daughters, Becky and Rachel, both now married and a mad cat called Finnegan.
 You can visit Pippa at her personal blog

Please join me in welcoming Pippa to our team! If you have a chance, why not pop over and say hi! You can find her personal blog either by clicking on her name header or her blog address listed above.

Please join us again on Thursday, June 15th, when we'll be back with a new challenge!

Happy crafting until that time!!! 

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