
Friday, February 3, 2017

Freebie Friday To Become Flash Friday

Hey folks! I'm popping in today to let you know of a change over here on the challenge blog.

Over the last few years you have become used to receiving a freebie every Friday. Right now there are over 129 posts labelled with the tag 'Freebie Friday' (though I do believe there are even more that haven't been labelled). That is a LOT of freebies to choose from and that number doesn't even include the images that have been given out for free at the start of each challenge. In fact, right now in the store, there are more than 240 freebies! As such, we have decided to do things a bit differently this year.

Freebie Friday is going to become Flash Freebie. Now, what does that mean? Well, instead of a regularly planned freebie, you'll now have to keep your eye on the blog because you just never know when a freebie might be offered. You might see two Flash Freebies in a month or you might have to wait two months for the next one!

However, don't fret! You will still definitely be getting at least one free image a month offered up during our challenge. That isn't going to change any time soon!

Now, since I told you all I would be back around the middle of January with the next Freebie Friday and that never happened, for today's offering you are actually going to get two freebies. Yes, you read that correctly--TWO. We are starting off our Freebie Friday turns Flash Freebie into a double bonus.

Just in time for Valentine's Day, I am offering up this fabulous lipstick image that Sandy created along with its coloured counterpart. Technically, I was supposed to give these out on two different occasions but you all have just been so patient with waiting for the freebie to return that I just couldn't help myself. Shhhhh......don't tell the boss!

#F 130 Lipstick (Free)

#F 130 can also be found in the store by clicking HERE.

F 133 Lipstick Red (Free)

#F 133 can also be found in the store by clicking HERE.

The image on the left is the jpg version and the one on the right is the
png version for both sets of images.

Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

I even had some time to whip up a fun gift tag using the coloured version of this image. Check it out...

Sentiment: TLC Creations

If you'd like to check out the remaining details for my creation, I'd love for you to come and visit me on my personal blog. Unfortunately, it is supper time right now so I'll have to post it afterwards. I'll come back and link it as soon as I am done.You can find it HERE.

Well that is it for this one! I'll see you all again soon!

Until next time,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer and DT & GDT Coordinator)


  1. Cool - love the sound of Flash Friday :-) You know I am always lurking LoL
    Thank you for the 'Lippy' xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Thanks Lisa and thanks to Sandy for the cute lipstick. Lots of fun freebies to work with and I am so grateful!

  3. You are both most welcome and thanks for understanding about the new changes!

    Lisa D.

  4. Sounds like a great idea! You have always been very generous and it is much appreciated! Thanks for the cute freebie!

  5. Thanks for the lipstick freebies.

  6. Thanks for the great graphics and the example.


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