
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Challenge #48 - Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New

Scribbles Designs
Challenge #48
Ring out the Old, Ring in the New 

It has been quite a year!  Here on the challenge blog we've said goodbye to some DT Members and welcomed in new ones. Whatever our individual pathways in life, we have all probably experienced ups and downs, shared in good memories and sad ones, and thought about the changes that we'd like to make in the coming year ahead.  As we get ready to say goodbye to one year and usher in a new, we thought that this challenge would be a good time to reflect that same kind of thinking in our projects.  There is a great poem by Alfred Tennyson that says,

 “Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.”

There are several key words in this poem that can help provide a starting point for your creation: ring, old, new, happy, bells, snow, year, false, true.  How you interpret them is up to you.  For example, you might choose to use something old or something new in your project; or be literal and include bells or snow; maybe you'll focus on the word happy and take your creation in that direction; or maybe you will design a card that reflects something new like new year's or a new baby, a new home, etc.  We look forward to seeing your creative take on this particular theme.  Just be sure to let us know the key words you went with from the poem and how it links to the theme.  Get ready to bid adieu to 2016 and get ready to welcome the possibilities in store for 2017!

And we thank you for spending some time here on our spot in blog-land. We're excited to showcase our talented women & their incredible creative work. We think that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images and the creative direction that ensues.

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar.

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image click here.

Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

This month's prizes...
Top Scribbler receives $10 worth of digital images, winner's choice 
Top 3 receives $3 worth of digital images

Let's get your creative juices flowing
with our awesome talented Design Team...

Diane Louise
using #860 Flower Shop

Key word used: New Home


<<<coming soon >>>

Key word used:

using #889 Mason Jar

Key word used: New Year

Key words used: New Marriage

***dee dee dee dit--dee dee dee dit--dee dee dee dit***

We interupt this regularly scheduled program

 for the following news bulletin---

Starting December 20th, Scribbles Designs will begin a Five Day Countdown to Christmas. Each day for five days there will be a different event planned. Readers will have a chance to join in to win some digi images, get a great discount and grab a limited time freebie.

We hope that you will join in on the fun. Remember it all starts December 20th, so mark your calendars!


Now back to our regularly scheduled program...

Now it is your turn to get in on the fun!

Enter Scribbles Designs Challenge #48-
Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New

Link Up Below:
Please enter your project using the link up below. Please add SD after your name if you have used a Scribbles Designs image on your project (worth 2 entries). Also, if you'd like to be a GDT during a future quarter, please add GDT after your name.

Mister Linky's Magical Widgets -- Thumb-Linky widget will appear right here!
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  1. oopsie--I didn't think the linky went through before I added GDT. Please delete one of my duplicate entries.


Thanks so much for stopping by. We'd love to hear what you think!

EU members: Pursuant to the GDPR, please note that by leaving a comment on the Scribbles Designs Challenge blog, you agree that your name & comment are visible to all blog visitors (exactly as it has always been) and therefore consent to the use of your personal info for that specific purpose. Should you not wish this info be visible, you can always click the drop box next to where it says 'Comment as', scroll down & choose the 'anonymous' selection. Thank you.