
Friday, July 31, 2015

Freebie Friday: Snowflakes

Come on, I can not be the only one thinking about Christmas already? I already have my planner printed out and set up for this year. I am determined to have a less stressed Christmas this year and hopefully it will be with this planner! But for this weeks freebie I have a Snowflake to share with you.

I am actually going to use this for one of me decorations this year. I'm going to enlarge it to the size of a A4 piece of paper and cut it out and then hang them on some string to make a garland.

So tell me have you started to think about Christmas yet or are you going to leave it a bit longer?

Have a great weekend!



  1. Your snowflake is lovely..........thank you very much. I have thought about starting Christmas cards, but that is as far as it as gone...........LOL

  2. I LOVE making Christmas cards and make them all year long. I've already started by shopping (actually started it in January) and think of nothing except Christmas all year long. It's the ONLY time of the year I'm not hot! We live in the desert of Arizona!


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