
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Scribbles Designs Challenge #27 Feline Frenzy

Scribbles Designs Challenge #27
Feline Frenzy
It used to be that dogs were man's best friend and for many, they still are.  However, cats are starting to rival dogs as pet companions.  In fact, there are a lot of statistics to back that up.  According to Ipsos Reid (2011), there were approximately 7.9 million cats and 5.9 million dogs in Canada. With approximately 35% of Canadian households having a dog, and 38% having a cat.  In the States, the numbers are a little bit different.   According to several different sources of stats compiled by Psychology Today, there were roughly 86 million cats and 78 million dogs in the US. With approximately 39% of American households having a dog, and 33% having a cat. In the UK, according to stats provided by the Pet Food Manufacturers Association (2013), the percentages of animals is even with roughly 8.5 million of each.  However, dog owners accounted for 25% of households whereas cat owners only accounted for 19% of households.  So, this month we are looking for cats as the primary focus for your creation.  Wild or domestic, it's up to you.  This month, cats rule and dogs drool.

And we thank you for spending some time here on our spot in blog-land. We're excited to showcase our talented women & their incredible creative work.  We think that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images 
and the creative direction that ensues.  

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar. 

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image click here.
Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

freebie expired

This month's sponsors...
Top Scribbler receives $10 worth of digital images, winner's choice 
Top 3 receives $3 worth of digital images

Donating: 7 digital images, winners choice

Let's get your creative juices flowing with our awesome talented Design Team...

using Cat Movo

using Kitten in Bowl and Check Meowt

using AramisWords 2 & Purrfect Day

using Aramis & Purrfect Day


using Alley Cat

Enter Scribbles Designs Challenge #27 Feline Frenzy here...


  1. What a fun challenge! I'll be back to play along for sure! Such adorable samples made by your DT! Thanks for the cute freebie!

  2. Great challenge! Love cats and dogs! Thanks for the cute freebie!

  3. Great DT creations :-)
    THANK YOU for the freebie fishy and for this fun Challenge :-D
    IKE xx

  4. I just linked up a 4th project because I used your "It's Meow or Never" sentiment - thank you, Sandy! I love it! I hope I can win your other cat sentiments - I love punny sentiments, especially when they are about cats!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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