
Saturday, September 9, 2023

What about YOU? Which Scribbles Designs image is your favourite?

As many of you know, Scribbles Designs has a vast array of fun and quirky images. Over the last two and half weeks, you have had a chance to see what images our team members count among their favourites. If you haven't seen those lists yet but would like to, you can find them here:
Now it is your turn! Please leave us a comment and let us know what your FAVOURITE Scribbles Designs image is. If you need to find the name of any of our images, please go to the Scribbles Designs Store (categories listed in the sidebar and don't forget to scroll down and click on 'previous page' to see all the images within a section).
Everyone who leaves a comment will have their name thrown into a draw and ONE random winner will have a chance to win ONE image of their choice from the store. Draw will take place at the end of our birthday celebration.

We look forward to seeing YOUR FAVOURITE!



  1. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Woot, woot! Happy Birthday! I think I am late to the party, sorry about that. I haven't been blogging so I'm out of touch with what's been happening in blogland. Something made me pop in here today and I'm glad I did. My favourite image would be hard to narrow down as I have a lot of favorites. I love the Flower Doodles, the Cats and Cat Sentiments, the Foxes, but for my favourite, I will go with my most used image, which is Leaf Doodle 4. It's fun and easy to colour and there are a lot of possibilities with this one. Thanks for asking! I'll come back tomorrow when I have more time to see what else I've been missing for this celebration. Party on!

  2. Once again happy bithday . I love all the designs that I have but I think my all time favourite has to be 'Peek a boo ' as so much work has gone into its creation and it looks good whatever colour is usedon it . Jeni x

  3. Oh... this is a hard one to answer. I have several Woolley's and love all of them. But I think my favorite is.... hmmm.... Oh I know, Woolley Thoughtful!

  4. A difficult question, I love the Brrr images but my favourite image must be #441 Santa Puppy Hat.


Thanks so much for stopping by. We'd love to hear what you think!

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