
Monday, September 4, 2023

Puzzle Time!

Today we have another fun activity lined up to help celebrate our 10th birthday! If you missed the Word Search Activity, you can find it HERE (you will have until Sept. 9th, at 8:59 p.m., PT, to complete the word search). We also have other opportunities for you to win some images so be sure to scroll back through our recent posts (up to Aug. 15th) to find out all the details.

For today, we are posting a jigsaw puzzle for you to work on. I've taken a picture of one of the digital papers I've created for Scribble Doodle Designs and YOU will have to assemble the puzzle and submit a picture of it via email (more details on that to follow) in order to have a chance to win the image used in this puzzle. 


I'm not going to lie. This puzzle will take you more than just a few minutes. So be sure to plan your time accordingly. There are 100 pieces and it took me a total of 37 minutes and 55 seconds to complete it. Since this puzzle is tougher than ones we've done in the past, EVERYONE who submits a screenshot of their completed puzzle (instructions for how to do this below) will win a copy of a fall image I have picked out.

How To Play:

  1. At the bottom of this page you will find today's puzzle.
  2. You do have the option of changing the colour background if you want, by clicking the little colour palette icon (showcased in the bar in the centre of the screen before you start).  
  3. I have disabled the option of changing the number of puzzle pieces in order to make it fair for everyone participating. 
  4. You can rotate the puzzle pieces (circular arrow icon) but I wouldn't recommend it because it will change all the pieces and will change the orientation of the picture. 
  5. Click 'OK' to start the puzzle. Click on the full screen icon (next to the question mark in the upper right corner) to make your puzzle bigger. Click Esc on your keyboard to bring it back to regular size (or the same icon).
  6. If you need help with the puzzle instructions, click the question mark (?) in the upper right corner at any time. You will know the puzzle has been completed properly when your timer stops and you see applause at the bottom of the screen, and then the credit line will appear.
  7. You should be able to complete this puzzle in approx. 30 to 45 minutes (possibly less, possibly more, depending on your own unique speed). If you need to pause the puzzle for any reason, simply click the timer up in the right hand corner (to the left of the full screen mode button). A white pop up window will come up and the puzzle itself will be blacked out to prevent cheating while in pause mode. Then, click 'resume' to continue when you are ready.
  8. Once you have completed the puzzle correctly, take a screen shot of it using the print screen feature of your keyboard OR using the Snipping Tool under Windows Accessories or the Snip & Sketch app listed under 'S' in the apps list (tools will probably depend on which version of Windows you have--I have Windows 10). Sorry, I'm not sure what tools are available if you are using an Apple product or your phone or tablet, though most phones and tablets have some sort of screen capture tool. I suppose if it comes to it, you could always snap a pic of your computer screen with your phone or tablet. I tried doing that myself with my tablet and the picture turned out fine. Please refer to Instructions and Deadline for Sending Completed Puzzle image, found below.
  9. If you have any problems or questions, leave a comment and I will try and help you out when I get on-line for the day.

Instructions and Deadline for

Sending Completed Puzzle Image…

Please send a message to Lisa at decossesdynamitedoodles [at] yahoo [dot] ca (don't forget to replace 'at' and 'dot' with the appropriate symbols), with the subject heading, "SD Birthday 2023-Jigsaw Puzzle". Be sure to attach a copy of the image of your completed puzzle. Below is an example of what the image should encompass (though obviously it will have a different completed puzzle).

In order to qualify for the draw, all images must be received in my email account by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time, SEPTEMBER 11, 2023. This gives you ONE WEEK to complete the puzzle. Once you have submitted your image by email, please leave a comment on this post letting us know. That way I will have an idea of who has participated, just in case there is a problem with my email account.

Before you go...

On Wednesday, we will be back with a list of Katrina's Favourite Projects, and on Friday we will share Suze's Top Ten Favourite Images. Then, we have another activity for you to join in on on Saturday. Be sure to pop by often over the next week and a half for more chances to win!

Time to Play!

Here is your puzzle. Have fun!


  1. I have sent a copy of the jigsaw completed
    Glennis Farrell

  2. Oh my... this was a test of patience and persistance. It took me 49.09...but I didn't give up! Am emailing the email as soon as I take care of this!


Thanks so much for stopping by. We'd love to hear what you think!

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