
Saturday, December 17, 2022

 Not A Creature Was Stirring…Day 2

 Hello folks!  Welcome to Day Two of our Not A Creature Was Stirring Christmas Celebration! From Dec. 16th to the 20th, I will be showcasing creations from our Design Team. 
If you missed the original post with the challenge link up, please click HERE to check it out. To see Helen's project and the image available to be won from Day One of our event, click HERE.

During our event this year, we are paying homage to the many furry and feathered friends associated with the holiday season . As such, each team member's creation will feature one of Sandy's beloved animal or bird images. Suze is is here today to continue our Celebration with this fun card...

Suze has used #519 Farrah Stocking 


Complete today's task for a chance to win this image!

Today's Task:
  • Please leave us a comment letting us know the following:
    • Yesterday we asked if you grew up with a pet or pets. Today we want to know, do you CURRENTLY own a pet or pets? If you don't have a pet, is there any reason why not? If you do have a pet (or pets), be sure to let us know what kind of animal it is and its name as well (and anything else you might like to share about your beloved furry friend).
The names of those people who submit responses completing today's task will be put into a draw for the image shown above. One random winner will be chosen to receive a copy of today's featured image. Draw will be held on Jan 14th and the winner announcement for the entire celebration will be posted soon thereafter [okay, as soon as I can manage it].

Well folks that is it for today's task. Be sure to join us again tomorrow to find out what project Nick created and to see the image you could win for participating!

Don't Forget...

Each day we feature a DT project, you will have the opportunity to complete a simple task in order to to win one of the images featured. Be sure to join us each day until December 20th to see what we have in store for you! While the last day of the event is December 20th, don't worry if you're too busy during this most festive time of year, you will have until January 14th, 2023, to complete all the tasks.


  1. Suze's card is so cute and fun! Love the pastel colours! As for today's question, we only have one pet now. Our kitty Honeydew is 18 years old. That's old for a cat so we know each day that he's still here with us is a blessing. We lost his littermate Kiwi in 2020 and our precious girl Snowie in 2021. Photos of all of our kitties are on my blog sidebar, right-hand side. Best wishes to all!

  2. I have a canary. His name is Roulis. He loves eggs and never stops singing!!!

  3. Great card Suze . We don't have a pet as my hubby is allergic to them , We all love cats and would love a few but have to adopt our son's cats . If only there was a permanent cure !!

  4. I love that flamingo! We are a cat household. Currently we have two cats, Maverick and Iceman. Previously we had Goose, Noelle and Tasha. All of our pets were adopted as what we like to describe as "previously owned".

  5. Currently no pets. My hubby and I celebrate our 45th Anniversary next week,and have had a two dogs during that time. Both were with us at least 12 years, and we miss them. However, after the last one passed away, we decided we couldn't go through that loss again.

  6. Unfortunately we do not have any pets. My hubby has never been a pet person but I adore them. I dream of having a little doggie and hope one day when I no longer work I will have one. In the meantime we live in an area where there are lots of dog owners so get to see many of them passing by my house on their daily walks.


Thanks so much for stopping by. We'd love to hear what you think!

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