
Monday, August 1, 2016

Scribbles Designs Challenge #43 Midway: How Does Your Garden Grow?

Hello and welcome to the midway point for
Scribbles Designs Challenge #43
How Does Your Garden Grow?

Here is a refresher of what the theme is all about:

Summer is upon us and most gardens should be in full bloom by now.  Flower beds are overflowing, trees are providing much needed canopies from the sun and the veggies have started their journey's from seedlings to sprouts.  While all this growth is taking place, we thought that this challenge would be a great opportunity to make a project based on the garden.  You can use flowers, trees, veggies, etc., or even the tools of the trade or an image of a gardener him or herself--basically anything related to a veggie garden or a flower bed.  How does your garden grow?  We can't wait to see how your creation blooms.

There are still two weeks left in the challenge and we hope that you will be able to join us here on our spot in blog-land. Our incredibly talented women are back to showcase their amazing creative work featuring projects related to our How Does Your Garden Grow theme. We hope that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images and the creative direction that ensues.  

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar. 

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image click here.
Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

This month's sponsors...
Top Scribbler receives $10 worth of digital images, winner's choice 
Top 3 receives $3 worth of digital images

Donating: 7 digital images, winners choice

Let's get your creative juices flowing with our
awesome talented Design Team...



using #F 25 Carrot (Free) & Carrot Digi Paper (Free)

using Heart Tulips



Now it is YOUR turn!

  Find the link at the bottom of the start post.  Click HERE to head there now...
We can't wait to see what you come up with!

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