
Friday, November 21, 2014

Freebie Friday: Drink

How has your week been? Have you had a good one? Glad that it's Friday? Yup me too! Because not only is it the weekend I get to share a card with you guys as well. Today's is a bit late because I am currently writing this post on a train to Manchester to see one of my fave bands but this is really a bit of a birthday present for my Jono! And we have a B&B booked to stay the night which mean that we can go for a few drinks which inspired me to make this weeks card using a image that Sandy has used a few weeks ago but because of the versatility of digital images you can use the same images in different ways. Here's this weeks image...

I love that glass and straw. I knew exactly how I was going to use this image! Inspired by fruity drinks. Here's my card.

I hope that you have a fab weekend and I shall see you next week!

Stay Crafty


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