
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Oops! Clue #8 Revision

It has been brought to my attention by one of our participant's that I can't count.  Well she didn't say that exactly, but she did point out I had made an error (which I completely appreciate).  So, just to make sure that I haven't baffled you completely, let's try this again.

Originally, clue #8 stated:
  1. Go to the Scribbles Designs Store:
  2. In the labels section which you will find on the right hand of the page in the sidebar, click on Truck.
  3. Scroll down until you see image #905.
  4. Write down the name of this image.
  5. Now, what is the last letter in the first word of the name? Take that letter and write it down. This is your eighth of nine letters. Just one more to go!
Apparently, when I put that clue together, I totally missed seeing the real last letter in the first word which is an 's'.  This is not the correct letter.  The clue should have read:

5.  What is the fifth letter in the first word. 

Sorry about that folks.  Hope I didn't mess anyone up too badly.  Thanks to Eagle Eyes Edwina for letting me know of my boo boo.  Edwina, I appreciate you taking the time to point this out to me so that I could print a revision.

By now clue # 9, the final clue is out and hopefully I've made no further mistakes.  Can't wait to see everyone's guesses and read all your comments.  Remember, simply leaving a comment on all the DT members' posts, along with submitting a guess, will earn you a freebie just for a little bit of your time.

Good luck everyone!



  1. Guess I couldn't count either LOL. Hopefully my answer is still correct.

  2. Lol I also mentioned something of the sorts in my comment yesterday. So yippee This means I am not totally blond.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  3. Whew. Thanks so much for fixing this!
    Now my guess is still on track.
    Crafty hugs,

  4. Thanks - for this letter I believe I have it correct - have a fun day!

  5. Replies
    1. Karen the address was in the post where the last clue was released: scribblesdesigns_winclaims {at} outlook {dot} com

      Good luck!

  6. Hee hee -- I guessed it was a boo boo !! Got the right letter now thank you xxxx


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