
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Scribbles Designs Challenge #31 Birthday Bonanza

Scribbles Designs Challenge #31
Birthday Bonanza

Time to break out the party hats and light up the candles on the birthday cake. Get ready to hang the streamers and blow up some balloons too. This challenge we are celebrating birthdays. Yours, mine, a family member's, a friends, or even an acquaintances. It doesn't matter who's birthday you are celebrating or how many candles are on the cake. Just show us a creation commemorating someone's birthday. Let the birthday bonanza begin!

And we thank you for spending some time here on our spot in blog-land. We're excited to showcase our talented women & their incredible creative work.  We think that you will enjoy the Scribbles Designs images 
and the creative direction that ensues.  

Any questions about the challenge? Please read our Challenge Rules located in the right sidebar. 

If you would like to purchase a Scribbles Designs image click here.
Sandy is happy to provide you with a freebie for participating...

freebie expired

This month's sponsors...
Top Scribbler receives $10 worth of digital images, winner's choice 
Top 3 receives $3 worth of digital images
Donating: 7 digital images, winners choice

Let's get your creative juices flowing with our awesome talented Design Team...

using Enjoy

using Flower pot 2


using Burt and a Digital Paper from the Sizzlin' Summer Set


and the inside:

Extra sneak Freebie!  
And let's see who actually reads this post. LOL - email Sandy at 4scribblesdesigns (at) gmail (dot) com with the name of our dog.  Email in the subject line the name and a little message and I'll email you back a special image...



Enter Scribbles Designs Challenge #31 Birthday Bonanza here...


  1. Cooool cards and I LUV that Ducky :-D Thank you very much for my cake :-D
    and my extra sneaky one :-D :-D :-D
    IKE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    My Challenge Blog
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  2. Thanks for the Happy Birthday sentiment. It's great!

  3. Thank you for the freebies and for the challenge - have a blessed week!

  4. Thank you for all the images you share Sandy!

  5. Wonderful challenge and so much inspiration from the Design Team! Hugs :-)



  6. My birthday was the 23rd, grabbed the cake to play along. Wish I knew the dog's name

  7. Spot, Buster, Fido, Pooch, Lassie, Rin Tin-Tin, Toto, Buddy... hahahahhaa! Just pulling your leg.


Thanks so much for stopping by. We'd love to hear what you think!

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