#920 BBQ Apron
(Clicking on the above watermark should take you to its location within the Scribbles Designs Store.)
Will you be barbecuing tonight or sometime this weekend? While we no longer own a BBQ, I do have many fond memories of Saturday nights just like this one. When I was young, growing up and living in southern Ontario with my parents, every Saturday night we'd have steak and baked potatoes, carrots and onions all cooked on the BBQ. Rain or shine, winter or summer; it didn't matter, as my poppa would just open up the garage door and BBQ inside. These are the times I would have long discussions about things going on in my life or just chat in general with my dad BBQ side, as he cooked our supper. This image will be perfect for a card to send to my dad thanking him for all those special memories I still carry with me.
Do you know any avid grillers? A husband, your own father or another special man perhaps? Or is there a special female in your life responsible for putting BBQ'd food on the table? Whoever actually does the grilling, would love to receive a card with this special digi on it.
So, why not head to the store and grab the image while it is fresh in your mind. Psst...don't forget to stop by the current challenge post and grab another great freebie available for a limited time. Talking about the challenge post, there is still time to to create a project and enter it into our current challenge, Clean and Simple. You can find out all the details you need for participating and for grabbing the freebie, by clicking HERE.
If you are not yet a follower, now is the perfect time to do so. This way you won't miss out on learning about all the wonderful new images being added to the store, and re-meeting some of your favourites too!
Until next time!